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    Is there life after DkS?


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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Is there life after DkS?

    Post by Gazman0169 Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:40 am

    Excuse me for swearing, but I finally got around to buying Skyrim the other day, and having given it a brief run-out it has now been consigned to the ever increasing pile of games that I have brought since DkS was released that now sit in my TV cabinet merely collecting dust.

    And so the big question is, will there ever come a time when this soddin game will release it's unrelenting grip on me? :suspect:
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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:44 am

    Wow, just now got around to Skyrim. I couldn't even tell you where my Skyrim copy is right now. silly

    EDIT: This is a wake-up call of sorts, I should look around for it.

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by ErrJon6661 Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:46 am

    Yes and no.

    Demon's Souls was the start for me. That game ruined games for me. It sucked hundreds of hours out of my life. I bought it about 3 years ago I believe. I didn't buy any games for nearly a year. I literally played that and only that.

    Now. Once I got bored (yes, bored of a souls game, don't worry. I still throw back and play it from time to time) it had ruined most other games for me. Its like eating homemade pie; Storebought just doesn't cut it any more.

    So all in all. the game will release its grip on you, but it will never leave you the same.

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by Gazman0169 Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:55 am

    I think I've managed to kick my DS habit (I'm taking it one day at a time), but I fear that one bad DkS moment will send me hurtling back down that slippery slope again! lol

    I don't think I'll ever get completely bored of the Souls games, but will merely take a break from them from time to time.

    As for Skyrim, the reason why I took so long to buy it was that I was waiting for the lag-issue to be properly (or at the very least partially) patched, which it now appears to have been, touch wood.
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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:03 am

    Gazman0169 wrote:I don't think I'll ever get completely bored of the Souls games, but will merely take a break from them from time to time.

    That's all you gotta do. Moderation is key.

    What's so wrong about going back to the things you love? Locking them away and throwing away the key isn't a healthy solution, it's just denying yourself of something which you like which I don't understand. :|

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by Siegfried. Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:05 am

    You could try The Witcher, especially the second game. Very different from Souls games, but an almost perfected version of a more conventional game narrative. The second game's combat is a lot like doing a two-handed weapons only run in Dark Souls, too. Since your blocking is halfway useless until you get counters, you spend most of your defense time dodging anyway.

    Apart from that, the most obvious "solution" is playing something of an exceedingly different genre. Just something new to discover and wrap your brain around, you know?
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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:13 am

    bought and sold skyrim a while ago... i cleared that game using my fists, no joke... i could punch out dragons... thats just sad. and i've heard recently that demons souls servers are still running in NA so maybe i'll play that if i get bored of dks.... if that fails theres always katamari damacy... and monster hunter, the next one comes out in march :3

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by Gazman0169 Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:29 am

    Siegfried I'd luv to play The Witcher, but I do not have a PC to play it on. :roll:

    Sparky again I'd luv to play Katamari Damacy, but I do not have a PS2 to play it on. :roll: However, thanks for putting me on to Monster Hunter, as the Portable HD version on the PS3 looks pretty special, even if it is in Japanese. big grin

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by Siegfried. Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:37 am

    The Witcher 2 is on X-Box, although unfortunately not on PS3 if that's how you're running Dark Souls.

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by WyrmHero Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:37 am

    After more than 8 months of not paying attention to any game I finally took a break from DkS. Playing a few games that were collecting dust, and I'm visiting video game reviews websites to see what's new. I'm afraid this will stop again thanks to the DLC, but I hope not.

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by SlakeMoth Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:27 am

    Gazman I feel your pain! This is exactly what happened to me, although I did buy Skyrim when it first came out, played it for a while but, you guessed it, got dragged back screaming to Dark Souls. I did try to escape and in fact tried 'The Witcher 2'. I mean no disrespect to Siegfried (it is on XBox like he said) but it is just not in the same league as Dark Souls. I very soon got tired of being led by my tiny paw from one set piece to another. In fact it's more like a guided tour than a game.

    So, what's the solution. I badly needed a change so, after a brief dalliance with Darksiders number one which I think is a cracking game by the way, I've returned to Skyrim and I have to say I'm really getting into it now, so I would recommend you give it a good go.

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by Siegfried. Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:50 am

    How far did you get in The Witcher 2? It's a different beast from Dark Souls to be sure, but it's pretty unique in how it treats player choices and moral questions. Most games have some kind of mechanical reward or indication of such for those kinds of decisions, but The Witcher 2 has this lovely way of getting players invested in the narrative without providing those indicators. The result is that players choose the option that seems best to them without complete knowledge of the results.

    If you play it multiple times to the end, you can get results that are very, very different from one-another in a narrative sense.

    The game's not everyone's cup of tea, of course, and there's no arguing with taste. But The Witcher 2 approaches conventional game narrative with something approaching perfection, whereas Dark Souls is quite unconventional. Different? Certainly. But both games are a peek into what the future of RPGs might look like, merely taken in different directions.
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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:58 am

    sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:bought and sold skyrim a while ago... i cleared that game using my fists, no joke... i could punch out dragons... thats just sad. and i've heard recently that demons souls servers are still running in NA so maybe i'll play that if i get bored of dks.... if that fails theres always katamari damacy... and monster hunter, the next one comes out in march :3
    You arent the guys who made the vid on youtube are you?
    Luckily for me I've gotten bore of DkS a few times. I went back to skyrim just the other day, and recently rebought New Vegas and have been playing them. I was annoyed by the witcher 2. I feel they made a shorter game because it had 2 paths you could take. But gameplay wise its very differnt considering the limitations you have compared to DkS.

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by vatar5 Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:02 am

    The only games which managed to make me break free from Dark Souls,which even makes me bored OF DeS(!!!),are Dragon Age Origins,InFamous 2,Journey and Dishonored. My Mass effect 3,Heavy Rain and Uncharted 3 boxes are getting dusted along with all the games I get from PSN+.

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:27 am

    I had the same issue, but after putting 2000+ hrs into DkS i finally took a break to wait for DLC. I finished Neir,Bayonetta,and am on the final boss of Final Fantasy XIII. I have really enjoyed all those games, to be honest though most games these days don't appeal to me as much anymore. I have found i very rarely like western developed games, except for Rockstar games. Even Japanese developers have kind of gone down hill this generation though, you really got to search for the good games. Unless you enjoy 3rd or 1st person shooters, then you have no problems lol.

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by tofucactaur Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:29 am

    i really find it hard to get into any other games now and have so for AGES.....
    i have bought some that just sat there, but right now i am playing through dragons dogma, but it is entirely casual.... there is no obsession like with souls games. i have been playing demons since it was initially released in the US and i have not become nearly obsessed with anything since.... but tbh i had not been obsessed with any games for years before that either....probably last one was ffxi or SOTC....
    everytime i get bored of darksouls i just dont play for a few weeks and then il see a new video or think of a new build or weapon i want to try and it all just starts again....
    its an obsession

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by edgie_za Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:06 am

    I bought Dark souls when it came out (complete with the art book, making of DVD and music cd).

    Loved it but found it insanely hard. Put it away...

    Then bought and played (and finished) Mass Effect 3 (disapointing ending).

    Dragon Age :Origins plus expansions was next, didn't finish though (no really in to games where you also have to micro manage other characters real time ). Excellent game though.

    Fallout : New Vegas was next, got close to the end but got bored as I had leveled up so much that the enemies were getting easy to take out.

    Had to get Skyrim as I loved Oblivion. Skyrim is better in many aspects over Oblivion, and the story is really well put together. Yet after about 70 hours of playing I found there was very little by the way challenge, specially variation in battles.

    And here i was sitting, wanting to play a challenging RPG, yet not knowing what to play...

    And then I rememebered my Dark Souls copy. Dusted it off, and it has not left my xbox disc tray ever since it was put in about 2 months ago (and that is looong for me to keep one game in my xbox tray). I have actually found more joy out of the game since I am online (when i initially bought it, did not do the online thing), and have been hooked so much i study the wiki and this forum for tips and tricks.

    I too am wondering where I will go next after i have had my Dark Souls fill....

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by ChaosMoogle Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:13 am

    I still enjoy Dragon's Dogma and the Final Fantasy Series (well, most of them anyway) and very occassionally Skyrim/Oblivion, but other than that, this is how other games go for me;

    I turn on a game.
    Play it absent-mindedly for 10 mins.
    Suddenly a new DkS build idea will pop into my head.
    Stampede across the room to put DkS back in.
    Chastise myself for being stupid enough to play something else silly

    I couldn't get into the Witcher 2. It's supposed to be a WRPG, but the game tells you who you are and what you will look like. It only allows you to use two different weapon types and a very limited number of spells/potions. It tells you where you are allowed to go, and when. I always liked the freedom and RP potential of WRPG's, and I just couldn't find it in the Witcher. It does seem like a good game though.
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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:26 am

    ChaosMoogle wrote:I still enjoy Dragon's Dogma and the Final Fantasy Series (well, most of them anyway) and very occassionally Skyrim/Oblivion, but other than that, this is how other games go for me;

    I turn on a game.
    Play it absent-mindedly for 10 mins.
    Suddenly a new DkS build idea will pop into my head.
    Stampede across the room to put DkS back in.
    Chastise myself for being stupid enough to play something else silly

    I couldn't get into the Witcher 2. It's supposed to be a WRPG, but the game tells you who you are and what you will look like. It only allows you to use two different weapon types and a very limited number of spells/potions. It tells you where you are allowed to go, and when. I always liked the freedom and RP potential of WRPG's, and I just couldn't find it in the Witcher. It does seem like a good game though.

    That's how it is for me sometimes.

    And I completely agree on the Witcher.
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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by RANT Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:24 pm

    maybe borderlands 2? that thing is awesome and i havent played dark souls in weeks becasue of it. you will eventually get tired of dark souls, i loved demon's souls and i think its better than dark souls but i eventually got bored of it buit that might be just me, lately i havent been into games as much as i used to when i was younger, i think the last one that i beat more than three times was uncharted 2.

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by Siegfried. Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:35 pm

    For the uninitiated, The Witcher was originally a series of books, starring Geralt of Rivia. He's one of the last witchers; an ancient order of warriors bred specifically for hunting monsters, with a mandate against encroaching upon human affairs. There just aren't that many witchers left in the world, especially after their stronghold, Kaer Morhen, was destroyed. Furthermore, they're not true sorcerors -- they only wield a facsimile of magic, being instead expert swordsmen who enhance their abilities with toxic potions that would kill a normal human being.

    The games pick up after the books, and you play as the same Geralt of Rivia. Since the remaining amount of witchers is a known quantity (give or take a few) and most of said witchers are identified, there's not much room to create your own character. Unless you don't want to be a witcher in a game entitled "The Witcher".

    Like I said, it isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea. But it does what it does for good reasons, and I can tell you that it's very faithful to the literary source material. If you go into The Witcher expecting an open WRPG, then you're barking up the wrong tree. But rest assured that your choices do absolutely have significant consequences, often unlike those of other games. One of the great things is that you don't always know when your choice will have said consequences, and even if you do, you may not know when the repercussions will come to pass.

    The games are very character focused, which I think is good. There's quite a lack of quality character-focused games that tell a good yarn, and many of the examples people often recite benefit from nostalgia goggles. The unfortunate truth is that, as charming as SNES-era JRPGs are, the cracks are well and truly showing right now, and not many games have stepped up to take their old position. The Witcher games are two examples, and they don't have much competition.

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:41 pm

    Yeah, I'm playing Borderlands 2 as well. Have a Commando named "arnold". Can't seem to find any hatchets though...

    Borderlands 2 is fun, and if you crank up the difficulty and don't kite enemies, can be difficult in areas. Booting around in a truck filled with your buddies is a blast as well.
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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by Rynn Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:52 pm

    I still play tons of games, but darksouls is my centerpiece game.

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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by StockpileThomas Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:32 pm

    It's been pretty hard for me to get into other games this year. Dark Souls is simply better than every other game out now and it kind of sucks, hehe. Maybe I'm just getting older, but a lot of games just don't hold my interest like this one does.

    I played Skyrim for about 20 hours and it was painful. All the walking, BORING "combat" and rehashed quests made playing the game feel like a chore, but I wanted to give it a shot because everyone swears by these games. I played a lot of Oblivion and Skyrim was the same game with better visuals, which bummed me out.
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    Is there life after DkS? Empty Re: Is there life after DkS?

    Post by Rynn Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:35 pm

    Play Suikoden.
    Seriously, do it.

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