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    Nominal damage attacks in pvp


    Posts : 557
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    Join date : 2012-01-17

    Nominal damage attacks in pvp Empty Nominal damage attacks in pvp

    Post by strangejoy Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:15 am

    Has anyone else noticed that you sometimes get really low damage when you connect a hit in pvp (e.g., 26 damage)? At first I thought this meant a shield block, but I've seen it against people two handing their weapons (if they blocked with the two handed weapon, it should have done more damage). I've also noticed this on my own character when I think I've avoided an attack. I wonder if this is From splitting the baby regarding lag hits. I.e., if you appear to hit someone on your screen but it looks like they avoided it on their screen, you'll get a nominal damage hit.

    Posts : 306
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    Join date : 2012-01-18

    Nominal damage attacks in pvp Empty Re: Nominal damage attacks in pvp

    Post by Dj-B-Man-Jr Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:33 pm

    Yeah i've noticed that to, both on the dealing and receiving end..weird =/

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