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    Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know.

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    Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know. Empty Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know.

    Post by Carphil Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:32 pm

    I just noticed some funny and somewhat interesting facts about armor of thorns, that can be useful at pvp against players without poise [no way, shut up carphil lol]

    If you wear any part of the set, it damages and can even stag an enemy when you roll, the more parts of the set you wear, the more the damage will be.

    If you wear the Gauntles of thorns, and punch an enemy, unarmed, it will do more damage than punching an enemy without gloves, however, the damage its too small but it can be noticed.

    If you wear the Leggings of thorns and kick an enemy, it you will a very little damage to the opponent, adding a little scary effect such as the Oranje charred ring.

    Now what I wanted to test, but it dificult: someone wear the full set, and another guy, naked, punch him. Will the naked guy receive some damage? And maybe even cancel his/her attack? What about if someone tries to use the darkhand? It may cancel the humanity sucking ability.

    Just some random thoughts

    Last edited by Carphil on Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : cmon everyone ignore this thread because I wrote "funny")

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    Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know. Empty Re: Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know.

    Post by Unforseen Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:11 pm

    It's not difficult to test if you have a friend who is willing to do that test with you. Also, It's funny being on my strength build and whenever i dodge a attack i roll into them dealing damage and sometimes finishing off their poise leaving them open for a roll attack.
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    Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know. Empty Re: Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know.

    Post by Carphil Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:39 pm

    Hmm thats interesting, I have been doing pvp at painted world lately, and I'm being invaded by many mages with light armor. It appear that the roll damages cancel most of their attacks, even the powerful R2/RT lunge. I still need to try if also cancels spells casting

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    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:47 pm

    It does, as long as they have little/no poise. You can also interrupt tanks, you just have to keep the heat on them so that their poise meter is nearly depleted. Its actually really good against tanks, you can continuously roll around them causing damage, wait for stunlock and then go for the kill. The issue is that anyone who's not an idiot is going to either land a bs, or just get out of your way and give free hits while you're low on stamina.
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    Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know. Empty Re: Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know.

    Post by Carphil Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:00 pm

    Hmm yea I just fought a tank and he bsed me while I was rolling at him. Pretty hard because they huge poise and lag makes them bs me when I'm so far away from them.

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    Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know. Empty Re: Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know.

    Post by Dellusions Tue Feb 14, 2012 5:39 pm

    I posted this info up on the normal forum I use when I discovered it, but I just started here, and wanted to share this as well to you.

    If you wear the gloves, and use any fist wep (example: Claws, Cestus, Dragon Bone fist, etc) it will increase their damage by a bit. On forest NPCs, the claw went from 211->223 damage (not AR.)\

    This also works on the dark hand, and on the pyromancer gloves punch attack (not spells.)
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    Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know. Empty Re: Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know.

    Post by Carphil Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:46 pm

    This is very interesting, it should also drain more stamina from a enemy block, same for the kick. And save in some pvp situations like when the guy survive with 10 health left
    Chosen Undead
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    Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know. Empty Re: Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know.

    Post by Rynn Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:49 pm

    A full set of Thorns armor will average 12 damage per roll into a player. This means that after 100 rolls a player will usually die. You don't even need to attack to win in PvP...

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    Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know. Empty Re: Armor of thorns Interesting facts that you should know.

    Post by Dellusions Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:02 am

    So I found out yet another "special" trait to the Kirk's Armor just a few minutes ago.

    If you walk off a ledge, or cliff, and land on an enemy, it typically does like 3 damage, and staggers them. If you do it while wearing kirks armor, you add 20 damage per piece, up to 80 damage. Doing so will do 84 damage total to the dreglings in the burg, killing them instantly without ever doing anything except walking happy

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