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    The Patch changed me...

    Jester's Tears
    Jester's Tears

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    The Patch changed me... Empty The Patch changed me...

    Post by Jester's Tears Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:06 pm

    I'VE IMPROVED! After the Patch, the DWGR got patched so I DON'T need a Tank build to fight of those Flip happy Giants.

    Right now im using a Fast Roll build (Same 205 character but with new Gear) and i've won ALOT, more then normal.
    I really Love using my '' Jester's Raiper''+15 and New found love. The HEATER SHIELD!

    THANK Dark Sun Gwyndolin FOR THE PATCH! Joy (Darkmoon servant >.< )

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    The Patch changed me... Empty Re: The Patch changed me...

    Post by THEOGLUIGI Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:13 pm

    Yeah the patch has definitely changed the way I play as well and made me better. I didn't rely so much on DWGR before the patch so it doesn't effect my builds too much but I can tell others are hurting for new options.
    Chaos Spectre
    Chaos Spectre

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    The Patch changed me... Empty Re: The Patch changed me...

    Post by Chaos Spectre Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:16 pm

    Yeah, the game feels so different. A good different though. Hell, honestly, i see why cheating makes a game boring. I used to BB glitch, just so I could build the character to 120 and use it later. Now that I can't, i have to start new, and the games difficulty came back, reminding me that this is dark souls. I haven't been invaded at all, especially not by any flip giants or overpowered low level players because the BB was removed.

    It even gave me a chance to try and archer build, which I am in love with and plan to master.

    The new rolling frames make everything so much more skill based. Its harder, but its rewarding. I feel like, for once, I have to always think on my toes when rolling, not just spam it. As an archer, rolling is a must, and with the new roll frames, I feel like it just adds to the awesomeness of my build.

    From Software revived this game for me, and I love it. I don't miss the BB glitch, at all, because the game is back to what it was when I first played.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    The Patch changed me... Empty Re: The Patch changed me...

    Post by JoeBroski09 Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:18 pm

    I've been playing on PC, and it didn't really make any difference for me, since I used fast roll before, and only had the DWGR for my main PvE toon. Medium roll is good, as well.

    It's great, though, the changes it has made on the entire community. Definitely in the right direction.

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    The Patch changed me... Empty Re: The Patch changed me...

    Post by THEOGLUIGI Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:20 pm

    Yeah I never BB glitched, almost did one night but got bored reading about it and just played the game, but I feel you on the rolling animations. You definitely have to think about when you roll. Can't just spam and end up a 100 ft. away in 3 seconds and then come back into the fray. It's really awesome. The game has been reborn in a sense, making it feel so different even though it's not THAT different.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    The Patch changed me... Empty Re: The Patch changed me...

    Post by JoeBroski09 Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:23 pm

    The thing is, you still CAN use the DWGR! It's now used for its roll, which is still a great animation. It's still used by people who have a ring slot open and find a use for the handspring.

    Also, I never BB glitched. Still don't know how to do it big grin I enjoyed the game just PvEing with one toon until I missed playing other games. I used to play DkS so exclusively, and I'm starting to get back into that, but it's been slow haha!

    People are already to the new content in the DLC and I pre ordered the PC version... I'm not even close to the new content.

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