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    100 or 120? What to do with my old 120 characters?


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    Join date : 2012-01-17
    Location : Eye of Terror

    100 or 120? What to do with my old 120 characters? Empty 100 or 120? What to do with my old 120 characters?

    Post by ChizFreak Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:05 pm

    You know, because of the arena, and the pvp hotspots, blah blah blah
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    100 or 120? What to do with my old 120 characters? Empty Re: 100 or 120? What to do with my old 120 characters?

    Post by RANT Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:30 pm

    keep them!!! i didn wanna get rid of them since im really attached to some of them(specially my leeroy build) im using my wife's account for the sl 99 builds but my main account has one sl 99 builds.
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    100 or 120? What to do with my old 120 characters? Empty Re: 100 or 120? What to do with my old 120 characters?

    Post by The Letter X Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:49 pm

    How much do you like the arena? If you really enjoy it I'd just take your 120s to 200.

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    100 or 120? What to do with my old 120 characters? Empty Re: 100 or 120? What to do with my old 120 characters?

    Post by Kolhell Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:06 pm

    This game's equivalent of a multi-class works better at 120 than 100, imo, so I'd recommend keeping them for when you tire of the arena.

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    100 or 120? What to do with my old 120 characters? Empty Re: 100 or 120? What to do with my old 120 characters?

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