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    Covenants questions


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    Location : Florence, Italy

    Covenants questions Empty Covenants questions

    Post by tommy39 Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:05 am

    Hi guys I have a few general questions about covenants: when I play on further playthroughs, can I get again a covenant spell, like for example the daughter of chaos pyromancies? another thing: when I leave a covenant I retain the rank bonus over the rewards (like the dark hand) or I lose the rank bonus, therefore downgrading the object? If, for example, I wish to join the darkwraiths just for the dark hand, is it convenient to reach the rank +3 to steal more humanity or is it just a waste of time if I already know I'm gonna leave the covenant?
    thanks winking

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    Covenants questions Empty Re: Covenants questions

    Post by kiwi_commander Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:59 am

    tommy39 wrote:Hi guys I have a few general questions about covenants: when I play on further playthroughs, can I get again a covenant spell, like for example the daughter of chaos pyromancies? another thing: when I leave a covenant I retain the rank bonus over the rewards (like the dark hand) or I lose the rank bonus, therefore downgrading the object? If, for example, I wish to join the darkwraiths just for the dark hand, is it convenient to reach the rank +3 to steal more humanity or is it just a waste of time if I already know I'm gonna leave the covenant?
    thanks winking

    I believe you cannot because the game will remember that you already joined the covenant and got those specific spells/items.

    However, going into NG+ does allow you to buy and pick up the same items from chests.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Covenants questions Empty Re: Covenants questions

    Post by DoughGuy Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:02 am

    You can only get covenant spells once.

    When you leave a cov your donations to it halve. So if you get to rank 3 in the DW (80 humanity) and leave you drop to 40 humanity, which is rank 2 so you'd lose the draining bonus.

    Btw in future covs questions are best asked here

    Posts : 4
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    Join date : 2012-10-24
    Age : 34
    Location : Florence, Italy

    Covenants questions Empty Re: Covenants questions

    Post by tommy39 Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:47 am

    ok, thanks a lot guys! winking

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