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    So I am going to post in thread strictly based on the Title of the thread...


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    So I am going to post in thread strictly based on the Title of the thread... Empty So I am going to post in thread strictly based on the Title of the thread...

    Post by meridam99 Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:59 pm

    A big pet peeve of mine is looking at the title of a thread, and then you open it and it has nothing to do with the title. Example:

    Disconnecting Duche - Should be a technical diagram, but it isn't


    Cheapest weapon in DKS - This should be a price list of items from vendors with the least expensive weapon.

    I joke, but sometimes seriously the title has nothing to do with what is in the thread (and no I am not talking about hijacked threads)
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    So I am going to post in thread strictly based on the Title of the thread... Empty Re: So I am going to post in thread strictly based on the Title of the thread...

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:23 pm

    This should be a slow dull thread based on the subject of the thread. Look forward to falling asleep reading this at night.

    Ps. Please stay on topic.

    Posts : 85
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    So I am going to post in thread strictly based on the Title of the thread... Empty Re: So I am going to post in thread strictly based on the Title of the thread...

    Post by PastaOfDoom Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:47 pm

    You already went outside the boundaries of the thread by commenting about other threads, so your point is already invalid. And talking about your pet peeves.

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    So I am going to post in thread strictly based on the Title of the thread... Empty Re: So I am going to post in thread strictly based on the Title of the thread...

    Post by Sponsored content

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