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    XBL - SL100 - Looking to trade for the Sage Robe


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    XBL - SL100 - Looking to trade for the Sage Robe Empty XBL - SL100 - Looking to trade for the Sage Robe

    Post by lextune Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:52 pm

    I have a slab of each color I am willing to trade for the sage robe....
    Ser Isaac
    Ser Isaac

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    XBL - SL100 - Looking to trade for the Sage Robe Empty Re: XBL - SL100 - Looking to trade for the Sage Robe

    Post by Ser Isaac Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:29 pm

    Lextune why are your setting always set to private? Makes it hard to communicate with such peeps. Anyways if I happen to get on I'll msg you and hand it to you. I also must know your SL and which bosses do you still have available.

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    XBL - SL100 - Looking to trade for the Sage Robe Empty Re: XBL - SL100 - Looking to trade for the Sage Robe

    Post by lextune Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:38 pm

    Soul level 100 is in the topic title silly for my settings I am not sure what you mean. You mean here on the wiki?

    I can summon in New Londo.
    Lord of Ash
    Lord of Ash

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    XBL - SL100 - Looking to trade for the Sage Robe Empty Re: XBL - SL100 - Looking to trade for the Sage Robe

    Post by Lord of Ash Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:32 am

    Did ser Isaac ever deal with this

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    XBL - SL100 - Looking to trade for the Sage Robe Empty Re: XBL - SL100 - Looking to trade for the Sage Robe

    Post by lextune Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:56 pm

    Nope, we never ended up connecting. So I am still in the market for a Sage Robe, and still have a slab of each color that I can part with. happy

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    XBL - SL100 - Looking to trade for the Sage Robe Empty Re: XBL - SL100 - Looking to trade for the Sage Robe

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