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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?


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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by AnastaciaAstora Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:48 am

    I'm always worried I'll ask a really dumb question here and be banished for it.

    But I don't recall the reason for Lautrec murdering Anastacia ever being covered in-game. For me, I always feel like he's doing it to provoke me. He's a scallywag who seems to love messing things up for people and I'm a prime target what with my Chosen status. But that seems like a pretty silly reason to kill a random woman. Any ideas?

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by XKnightArtoriasX Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:51 am

    He was just bored and thought of having fun by killing her.

    Nah i'm kidding he did for his goddess love that's what iv'e seen everyone saying in his lore.

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by vatar5 Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:58 am

    Im pretty sure it was for her humanity...

    Or for ga*gban* with Petrus twisted

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by AnastaciaAstora Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:14 am

    vatar5 wrote:Im pretty sure it was for her humanity...

    Or for ga*gban* with Petrus twisted

    sad I just... I want to peel Petrus like an orange.

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by Icegodzilla Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:00 pm

    pretty sure it was for either his goddess (which i belive was fina not positive if it was her or a different one), he could of done it for humanity, or he did it just to tick me off.
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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by Buggy Virus Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:40 am

    The normal gods killed Fina, his self-ordained mission is to murder the gods in Anor Londo. You stop him right before he kills Gwynevere <(massive, but good speculation)

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by RevolverSnake Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:34 pm

    Because he didn't need her anymore. He is a selfish bastard, just like the choosen undead.

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by Skarectum Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:34 pm

    RevolverSnake wrote:Because he didn't need her anymore. He is a selfish bastard, just like the choosen undead.

    That's what I figured. Thinking though, he's found in the church with another Firekeeper's corpse - or at least a corpse with a Firekeeper's Soul. [Speculation mode: engaged.] It seems to be presumed that Seath's Channeller is in the church to capture, or perhaps kill the Firekeeper. Could Lautrec have killed her and been caught in the act? There are possibly bits of the lore I've missed, but I don't think it's ever explained why Lautrec's locked away in the first place.

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by Rarayn Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:11 am

    Buggy Virus wrote:The normal gods killed Fina, his self-ordained mission is to murder the gods in Anor Londo. You stop him right before he kills Gwynevere <(massive, but good speculation)
    Lautrec is in dark Anor Londo when you invade him. He has already killed Gwynevere.
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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by PlasticandRage Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:21 am

    how do you figure? It doesn't look very dark to me

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by Rarayn Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:57 am

    PlasticandRage wrote:how do you figure? It doesn't look very dark to me
    Hah, you're right. I just remembered reading a theory that involved Lautrec's Anor Londo being dark, and forgot all about my own experiences there.

    In that case, I support the theory that Lautrec is on his way to kill Gwynevere. silly

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by sinspaw Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:11 am

    Skarectum wrote:
    RevolverSnake wrote:Because he didn't need her anymore. He is a selfish bastard, just like the choosen undead.

    That's what I figured. Thinking though, he's found in the church with another Firekeeper's corpse - or at least a corpse with a Firekeeper's Soul. [Speculation mode: engaged.] It seems to be presumed that Seath's Channeller is in the church to capture, or perhaps kill the Firekeeper. Could Lautrec have killed her and been caught in the act? There are possibly bits of the lore I've missed, but I don't think it's ever explained why Lautrec's locked away in the first place.


    People, come on, 'just for humanity'? No, Lautrec is an evil character. He looks half-decent, and also helps you in two boss fights, but there's something very wrong about him. Like Skarectum mentioned, he is found locked up in a church cell which currently has a Fire Keeper's cadaver in its altar. Coincidence? I wouldn't say so. You release him, he tells you he's gonna give you a gift later. Of all the places in Firelink Shrine he chooses to sit right by the Fire Keeper. If you speak to him before he does it, he might occasionally say she pisses him off, then you come back later and she's dead. This man is for some reason, hunting Fire Keepers. Plus that gets me wondering, is that 'his' gift to us? Dispatching a Fire Keeper? If so, what is he trying to say? That we're better off without Fire Keepers? I don't know. It's definitely not as simple as 'he just wanted humanity'.

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by XKnightArtoriasX Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:09 am

    Plus that gets me wondering, is that 'his' gift to us? Dispatching a Fire Keeper? If so, what is he trying to say?

    Maybe it's his gift for the no bonfire walkthrough players, since it's the only auto-lit bonfire in the game and the player cannot kill the firekeeper.

    *edit* Speaking of which, how in the blue hell did he manage to kill her?
    *edit 2* I forgot that there are other auto-lit bonfires BUT you can kill all the firekeepers except for the one that he kill.
    *edit 3(sigh)* I forgot about the Dragon covenant bonfire it's already lit and you cannot kill that stupid dragon (no offence for dragon cov, don't invade me) Iv'e tried sunlight spears and Gough's bow and arrows so far but he is just sitting there not dying as if he is trolling the no bonfire run players. So maybe if we figured out how he killed the firelink shrine firekeeper then we know the secret of how we'll kill that num num dragon?

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by Icegodzilla Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:29 pm

    U ever wonder who the npcs are that are helping Lautrec when u invade him

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by Rarayn Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:31 pm

    One of them is the third Sealer. (Ingward and the now deceased Yulva being the other two)

    The other guy is probably just some goon from Carim he brought along.

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by Ghadis_God Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:02 am

    I find it hard to imagine that a man blessed by the favor of a beautiful goddess would go around killing defenseless women and still maintain that favor. Fina could be a dark or evil god, though I also like Virus' idea that Lautrec is out for revenge on the gods. However, he does say: "This firekeeper has served me well, but hmph. enough with her". Because his travels are taking him away from Firelink, he could have killed Anastacia for the extra humanity that would keep him from going hollow.

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by Shkar Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:31 am

    Lautrec seems to despise weakness. When you invade him a second time (assuming you fail the first time), he says something along the lines of "like moths to a flame." In essence, he's taunting you. Who's to say he didn't kill the Firekeeper just because she was mute and crippled, and thus, weak?

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by Darrus_Folkart Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:38 am

    (Pure speculation and personal opinion here)

    Personally, I think Lautrec does have a thing against the gods, I mean, he is originally found locked away in a prison in the Undead Parish that may or may not be dedicated to Gwyn and his pantheon (taking a guess due to the statue found on the lower levels). Plus, before he kills Anastasia he remarks that he has "business to attend to above,". The most logical thing to assume would be that he is referring to Anor londo as he is found there later.

    What "business" he is referring to also gets me thinking.
    I would guess it has something to do with Gwynavere and the Lordvessel being the fact he is found outside the Chamber of the Princess. What would he want with them?

    On a side note, he also seems to know a lot about humanity and has a penchant for taking others humanity. I know he's not a Darkwraith but perhaps has similar intentions? (Ushering in the Dark Age?)

    Please let me know your thoughts about my ideas.

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by AnastaciaAstora Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:25 am

    I can see the logic in that, it definitely makes sense. I don't get much of a vibe from Lautrec apart from "a**hole", so I'm still not sure what I think. Him having a problem with the gods seems a bit random so for me, the theory that he's doing it for Fina makes more sense. After seeing someone suggest that, I get the feeling that maybe he doesn't have Fina's intentions or feelings in mind - he seems a bit mad anyway, so it may be that he's lost sight of what Fina would want and is doing whatever he can try to earn her favour.

    But then I just had a thought: these two things could link together. Maybe he has a problem with the gods because they aren't Fina, maybe he's not trying to usher in an age of darkness but just trying to displace Gwynevere so Fina will be everyone's favourite. I'm all for it if Fina has a face, I get bored of talking to a pair of giant talking boobs.
    But that's kind of out there I guess.

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by dalsio Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:38 am

    The eternal dragon is one of the great immortal dragons from the Old World, and cannot be killed by normal means. However, they can be killed, proven by the fact that the great lords all slew it's kin. I would suggest trying out Gwyn's sunspear, the Witch of Izalith's Chaos Pyromancies, and Nito's special abilities. Perhaps in rapid succession, or in the order specific to the prologue.
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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by DoughGuy Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:45 am

    dalsio wrote:The eternal dragon is one of the great immortal dragons from the Old World, and cannot be killed by normal means. However, they can be killed, proven by the fact that the great lords all slew it's kin. I would suggest trying out Gwyn's sunspear, the Witch of Izalith's Chaos Pyromancies, and Nito's special abilities. Perhaps in rapid succession, or in the order specific to the prologue.
    Umm Dal you appear to be in the wrong thread. Regardless the tactic you suggest has been tried many times in virtually any form you can imagine and yielded no results.

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by RedderAI Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:49 am

    Last time I fought Lautrec (Firelink) he mentioned something about being blessed by a god. Supposedly if he was doing something against Finas will wouldn't she remove her blessing? Which in turn means that what he is doing IS the will of Fina.

    Anyone else thinks Finas got a inferiority complex with the other gods maybe even just goddesses?

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by dalsio Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:40 pm

    Well, Anastacia seems to have been not only rendered unable to speak (pre-resurrection) but also does not want to. Perhaps she spoke out against Fina or some other god, and that god gave Lautric their blessing. Doesn't mean that he killed her specifically for that god, but it may have simply been convenient for them.

    Though I doubt they would perpetuate a blessing on him just out of convenience, especially since he didn't need it to kill her. Plus, doesn't he assumedly maintain his blessing even after her death?

    Perhaps the blessing and her death are unrelated, or the blessing is from a god revering death in general, lending itself to his murderous nature.

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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by Astardbay Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:20 pm

    I've honestly been thinking there's a possibility that Lautrec may be the first born. I believe that there's a chance Fina may be Velka, as they are both goddesses from Carim. I read a theory on here that Velka was Gwyn's wife, but after the business with the Occult, I believe she fled back to her homeland, possibly under a different name. Now, this would mean Lautrec is not necessarily a villain. He realized that his mother tried to end the age of gods, & possibly believed in it, & that is how he lost his status of god, because he helped Velka & the Occult in their uprising.

    This would explain why he gives you a sunlight medal. He kept it as a souvenir, but as he sat there, trying to gain the courage to do the horrible thing he knows must be done to achieve his & his mother's goals, he gives away the medal because he believes in order to do this, he must get rid of the memento that reminded him of his past life, & become something new.

    Purely speculation of course, there's more evidence it's Solaire honestly, it's just an idea that popped in my head, plus the sunlight medal reinforced it a little.
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    Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper? Empty Re: Why did Lautrec kill Firekeeper?

    Post by The Duke of Jam Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:20 pm

    I think he's taking firekeeper souls and sacrificing them in sorts to Fina.
    Crazy speculation with tons of things to go against it, but I like it.

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