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    SUNBROS are you there?


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    SUNBROS are you there? Empty SUNBROS are you there?

    Post by DarkAldo Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:25 am

    Hi there!

    I am a portuguese warrior of the sunlight! I´m on NG++ just with Priscilla (optional) and Gwyn left to Slay... I have some questions:

    1-Is my SL too high to get summoned for boss battles? Yesterday I was summoned to 4 kings after several atempts! I guess the DLC is more active but even there...

    2-Can I only be summoned by other Sunbros? Is this the best covenant to get summoned?

    3-I´ve noticed that the DLC area, since the graphic problems, it´s way more difficult to get summoned! Is this related?

    4-Is it worth to get my faith to 50 to use Sunlight Spear? My current faith is 32.

    5-With 45dex, 28str and 32faith, in NG+++ will it be worth to go for elemental weapons instead of regular +15?

    Jester's Tears
    Jester's Tears

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    SUNBROS are you there? Empty Re: SUNBROS are you there?

    Post by Jester's Tears Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:53 am

    #1: You can Summon/Get summoned by people who are 10% Over you or 10% Lower then you. Meaning that the chance of getting summoned at Lvl 200'ish is low :3

    #2: You can get summoned by anyone.

    #3: People is probably having problems dealing with the graphic thingy so Summoning other's isen't high on the ''To do'' list...There shoulden't be a Problem elsewhere

    #4: I don't really know. If you're a Faith build then YES. The Sunlight spear is a Really Powerfull ''Spell'' so tearing up eneimes with it is No Problem.

    #5: Stick to 15+'es. Pick a Dex weapon (Rapiers etc.) due to the Dex Scaling. But you can always have a Lighting weapon since
    A: Sun Bro's uses lighting stuff!
    B: Never know if you're gonna fight a Dragon Bro!
    -Short said. 15+ Wins 9/10 times. But a secondary elemental works.


    Last edited by Jester's Tears on Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:55 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Me No Spell Good...)

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    SUNBROS are you there? Empty Re: SUNBROS are you there?

    Post by DarkAldo Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:03 pm

    Tks BerzekerS!

    Yes, I have a lightning Iaito +5, a Murakumo +15, Uchigatana +15 so I think I´ll stick to that... I´ve been trying to farm darkwraiths for slabs to complete some other upgrades but I haven´t been lucky... either way, probably my SL is to high to summon/get summoned, since the reach is 130-160?
    Jester's Tears
    Jester's Tears

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    SUNBROS are you there? Empty Re: SUNBROS are you there?

    Post by Jester's Tears Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:05 pm

    The ''NORMAL'' Soul Levels are around 120-150. That's where most people stop leveling due to they're done with thier Builds or just PvP'ing.

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    SUNBROS are you there? Empty Re: SUNBROS are you there?

    Post by DarkAldo Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:18 pm


    Is there anyway to "de-level" some Stats and put there somewhere else? Like King Allant´s souls suck? lol I want my faith to go to 50 but I don´t want to go SL 163 because of the online action...
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    SUNBROS are you there? Empty Re: SUNBROS are you there?

    Post by RANT Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:19 pm

    If you're around sl 200 you should be able to see more signs in the coming weeks since people will be making sl 200 builds for the arena.

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    SUNBROS are you there? Empty Re: SUNBROS are you there?

    Post by DarkAldo Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:20 pm


    I have about 300k souls but don´t know what to do with them... maybe i´ll level up...

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