I think what final fantasy needs now is going back to a slightly more classic outlook on the way the world unfolds, and giving a bit more control back to the player but again not making it overly complex. I think that trying out an extremely dark storyline would be a good idea. A story where the player as the main team of protagonists are just fighting off the inevitable, a struggle in vain that ends, or perhaps a story where the character you take control of is presented as your typical protagonist, but grows into truly an evil character, who you cannot help but want to win, but know all the reasons why he shouldn't.
I know these aren't exactly new or fresh concepts, but you get the idea i'm attempting poorly to put across. Maturing and darkening up the story, and i don't mean blow **** up dark, i mean properly messed up characters and ethical dilemma dark, could bring a whole new life to FF, though considering the series linchpin as the game where the good guy almost unanimously wins the fight and gets the girl, it probably won't happen.
Last edited by Serious_Much on Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:03 pm; edited 1 time in total