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    You will not believe what happened.


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    Post by Qawdz Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:21 am

    ***First off, I will not give out the name of the player that I summoned.***

    I was in Lower Undead Burg around level 30, so I decided to summon a phantom to help me with the Capra Demon.. I was at the beginning of the level, and summoned a Sunbro. I could tell he/she was a Japanese player because of their name. After a few seconds, he got summoned and we proceeded through the level. After clearing our all of the dogs and the bandits, we went to the gate. I realized the phantom was AFK because, well he wasn't moving. A few minutes later he sent me a message on PSN, saying: "Come follow see secret". I replied immediately with an "ok" because I was excited.. I followed him towards the wallside of the lower burg, and we came across a pathway that was blocked by wooden planks and stuff. The phantom stood there for a few minutes and replied to me "Look here secret". I replied with another quick "ok". Another minute or so passed by and the Japanese dude hit the wall with his claymore (Idk what stats it had maybe +5?). Surprisingly, the wall disappeared, and had the same animation most bosses do when they die, like the white stuff flying everywhere. There was a long road after the imaginary wall. It seemed to be bugged because it was a copy of a road after each 10 steps.. idk it looked really weird to me. At the end of the pathway was a chest. I was having a mini heart attack at this point. I opened the chest, picked up the item, and bam. Loading screen popped up and after that I'm back at the last bonfire I used.


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    Post by ErrJon6661 Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:53 am

    A lot of players have tried doing that exact same thing with no results.

    I wonder if some testing needs to take place now.......

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    Post by sunbro Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:44 am

    keep us informed sounds interresting

    May you should send him a PM about the braziers in the lordvessel chamber

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    Post by sunbro Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:41 am

    also find out what weapon exactly he was using raw chaos etc

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    Post by vatar5 Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:09 am

    Gotta try to find it.
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    Post by DoughGuy Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:15 am

    Colour me skeptical. You saying he took about a minute between messaging you and hitting the wall? very sus. You'll need pics or a vid to convince me.

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    Post by vatar5 Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:39 am

    DoughGuy wrote:Colour me skeptical. You saying he took about a minute between messaging you and hitting the wall? very sus. You'll need pics or a vid to convince me.

    Plus it is on the PSN and not on PC with the crazy hacker who goes on rampage in the form of a plague baby.
    Maybe he took time to write the message?Its kinda a pain on PSN.

    Or it's another map glitch but there isn't any chest near Capra Demon...

    Uhh...Can you precise the location of the wall he took down?
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    Post by DoughGuy Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:15 am

    I think the more important thing is, we have a 3D map of the DkS world. We know there are no other secret areas in game, UNLESS their textures have not been programmed in an attempt to hide them (or something like that I forget)/ Now the OP says the areas looked like it was the same copy over and over which means its possible they manipulated some code to make this area. On the other hand thats pretty unlikely and may be impossible (I dont know, not a games developer.).

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    Post by vatar5 Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:34 am

    From my point of view,and my very limited knowledge:
    All the game's data is on the disk(since you can play offline),therefore,if you could edit the game without corrupting it,you could replace Orsntein&Smough by Gwyn in his boss battle.
    So what if you edited the game THEN invited someone to play on your world(summon/invasion),there will be issues because they won't see that the host sees(different data).
    Plus it seems impossible that someone can edit files over the PSN. (On PC I can't say. )

    And here the host has a clean copy of Drk Souls so unless the japanese player somehow edited the game's files via PSN,which seems impossible to me,it is impossible that the host would see this secret passage unless it is hidden in the game's files.

    Long confusing story short,I think that if this secret passage exists,then it should be in the game's files.

    And about the edit stuff,it may be possible with .esp files for Xbox as an Exemple but only the host should experience it.
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    Post by DoughGuy Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:37 am

    Yeah unless he used his AFK time to somehow send something over PSN seems unlikely. Only one thing to due I guess. Qaw can you PM us the guys PSN and we'll all head to the lower burg at SL 30 and summon him. FOR SCIENCE!

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    Post by vatar5 Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:43 am


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    Post by OrnsteinFanBoy Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:54 am

    If this was on PC I think it could be wrapped with hackzorz. But on PS3 I'm not sure manipulating the game like that is even possible. But if a secret like this existed in the unmodified game I feel like someone would have found it by now. y mind is melting....

    Can you post a picture of the exact location Qawdz?
    This could result in many forums members slamming claymores into a wall to no avail for quite some time but it must be done lol!

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    Post by Rarayn Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:57 am

    I am more curious about what item the chest contained that anything else. I am surprised that I am the first one here to ask. :p
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    Post by DoughGuy Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:14 am

    Judging from the way he said it, I assume his character moved to pick up the item, but was put back to the loading screen before he saw what it was.

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    Post by vatar5 Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:12 am

    Or maybe it was a pendant.

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    Post by Icegodzilla Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:49 am

    of course the pendent is behind it all lol
    hmm i feel like going down there and whacking it with every version of the claymore now

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    Post by WandererReece Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:32 pm

    Qawdz wrote:A few minutes later he sent me a message on PSN, saying: "Come follow see secret"... I opened the chest, picked up the item, and bam. Loading screen popped up and after that I'm back at the last bonfire I used.

    This was probably a hack. I've seen a video before the PC version was released. It showed a character inside the tower that leads to the boss in Undead Burg. He went through a door that didn't exist. Then he was on an invisible walkway above the map. This may have been on Xbox.

    It is possible to copy a PS3 save onto a flash drive and edit it on a computer. That's how the Borderlands cheat weapons appeared on PS3.

    Also, why did he reappear at the fire? That should only happen if he died or used Homeward, and he can't use Homeward if he has a phantom.

    Rarayn wrote:I am more curious about what item the chest contained that anything else. I am surprised that I am the first one here to ask. :p

    I would also like to know.

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    Post by Icegodzilla Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:43 pm

    Normally i would think it was a hack, but it happened in the hosts world and the dude that unlocked the door was the one summoned. So i don't see how he could have hacked the hosts world. I have never hacked a game before but i am fairly sure its not possible, but i could be wrong

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    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:07 am

    Hacking the game to that extent would not be possible on ps3 to my knowledge. Modifying your save will not change level design you would have to go inside the game itself and re write the code.

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    Post by WandererReece Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:29 am

    ErrJon6661 wrote:Modifying your save will not change level design you would have to go inside the game itself and re write the code.

    That's probably true, but something glitchy happened. He appeared at the fire even thought he shouldn't have appeared there.
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    Post by skarekrow13 Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:58 pm

    Also Dark Souls does not allow you to copy saves to an external device I don't believe. To prevent hacking. There's other ways to do it (that I won't mention) but are a good deal harder. Plus it still would only allow save data to be modified. No new areas. I would say don't bother testing unless the op can say which door or weapon for sure.

    Edit: Forgot to mention. The game has a default place to spawn you if go outside the map. It is not the last bonfire you rested at. So either this is part of the known map (why wouldn't 3d have it then) or.....

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    Post by vatar5 Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:03 pm

    Hacking game's files via PSN seems to me impossible to me...


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    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:19 pm

    I don't want to be that guy but no one is pointing out the elephant in the room. This post is probably fake or just put out here to get attention. This door he talks about has been tested along with tons of other possible secret doors. I'm sure every variation of every weapon and no one has had any luck. There are no videos, pictures or guides about this for a reason. They don't exist. They are nothing. Just small unpolished odds and ends left during the production of the game. Just like others have said, they don't exist on any of the 3d maps therefore they are not in the game. Unless the developers went through extensive measures to hide secrets this well then I am confident they arent there. And if they did take such measures then I'd wish that they had spent more time developing a game than hiding easter eggs.

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    Post by CaligoIllioneus Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:20 pm

    I'm also sure people have tested these things in the PC version, for example I know someone who no-clipped through the Centipede Demon's door and said there was nothing behind it.
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    Post by DoughGuy Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:57 pm

    @Err, no one wants to say that in case its true lol. We're at the point where all we have left is the desperate and the insane.

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