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    Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?


    Posts : 88
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    Join date : 2012-01-17
    Age : 34
    Location : Crosslegged in the Sewers, Occasionally Under a Bridge

    Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?  Empty Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?

    Post by Domhnall Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:41 pm

    Hi. I need some help in New Londo Ruins, and am very embarrassed. I've gotten the key, but I keep dying due to Ghost Gang-Bang and I have gotten close to destroying a controller, or a pet, or whatever is in my immediate vicinity upon death. I am SL50 Thiefishness, but I have a +3 Lightning Claymore and I am fairly certain I can beat the Four Kings, but help with them would be super, if not just getting to them would be much appreciated. I am willing to give you my first born child, or any of the items I have that you may want in compensation, which probably isn't much but it's something.

    Anyhoo my PSN is 'stizzletweez', no quotations. If anyone feels like helping me out, shoot me a friend request/message, because my wireless sucks, and my computer sucks, so I have to ethernet-cable either the PS3 or the Computer.


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    Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?  Empty Re: Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?

    Post by ErrJon6661 Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:10 am

    I think I've got one who can help you. If you don't mind helping me trash the four kings also big grin

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    Age : 34
    Location : Crosslegged in the Sewers, Occasionally Under a Bridge

    Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?  Empty Re: Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?

    Post by Domhnall Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm

    Sure! Sorry, I had to take my son to the emergency room last night. He's alright, just an ear infection. But I wont be on until later tonight or tomorrow. If you want to add me on PSN or just PM me your PSN we can meet up whenever you are ready and vice versa. big grin

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    Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?  Empty Re: Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:36 pm

    I won't be able to get on until later in the week. I just got smashed with work and I've got about 20 hours of homework this weekend. I can probably help you out tuesday night if that works, possibly thursday night if tues doesn't work.

    Posts : 88
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    Age : 34
    Location : Crosslegged in the Sewers, Occasionally Under a Bridge

    Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?  Empty Re: Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?

    Post by Domhnall Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:53 pm

    No worries. I ended up taking 'em out. I went for it solo and ended up winning by using the tank n' spank method with ole' Beatrice as my wing-man. But if you still want some help clearing out the trash or whatnot, I'd be glad to lend a hand

    Edit: For some reason I thought you said clearing the trash, and not trashing the Four Kings. I'm definatly down for that, they killed me a good few times, and I'd like to pay them back in kind. Also the ledges around the staircase of the abyss killed me a few times. Damn you fatty rolls!

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    Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?  Empty Re: Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:05 pm

    Hahaha. Sounds good dude. I'm debating using my current character on them, or re rolling because I have a new build I want to make. So I'll let you know.

    Posts : 88
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    Join date : 2012-01-17
    Age : 34
    Location : Crosslegged in the Sewers, Occasionally Under a Bridge

    Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?  Empty Re: Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?

    Post by Domhnall Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:18 pm

    Okay cool sounds good!

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    Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?  Empty Re: Any PSN'ers up for a romp through Lordran's toilet?

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