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    If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat


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    If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat Empty If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat

    Post by MiketheMushroomMan Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:40 am

    Who would win in a fight. Dont just go with a stat-off. Use gut or artistic licence.

    Giant Cat (Darkroot Garden) vs Giant Rat (Depths).


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    If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat Empty Re: If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat

    Post by MiketheMushroomMan Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:17 pm

    Come on people - at least comment on this one happy

    The giant rat vs a giant cat? Surely this is worthy of debate. For me - i think the Cat would just edge it - the rat is bigger obviously - and the cat's roll would probably not do too much damage to a big fat rat. But the bite on the otherhand - pounds per square inch - the cat would win - and of course you have a evolutionary advantage for the cat - which could play a psychological factor

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    If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat Empty Re: If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat

    Post by X-government-agent Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:02 pm

    The cats hands down as they fast and bad *** whereas rats slow and easy to to slap their faces all over the place

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    If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat Empty Re: If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat

    Post by AzureCrow Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:16 pm

    One on one the G-rat everyday, but the cats fight 3v1 so they'd win, they are the original gankers of the forest after all. lol!
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    If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat Empty Re: If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:26 pm

    the cats are much faster and the rat is really weak, plus its blind in one eye giving the cat an area to recover or sneak attack from.... plus the rolling attack, the rat couldn't escape. alligator cat hands down. how about mecha boar vs the giant leech in blight town? (the one that guards power within...)
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    If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat Empty Re: If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:33 pm

    Cat - no contest.

    Even 1v.1. The cats have more HP, are faster, and have a more varied moveset.
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    If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat Empty Re: If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:51 pm

    Maybe if the Rat were related to Speedy Gonazales or something he'd win. I would need to see way more Looney Tunes racist Mexican stereotypes around the Rat's lair though to be convinced of this.

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    If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat Empty Re: If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat

    Post by Aznul Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:08 pm

    Cat would win hands down. Why? Because of the absurd roll move it has. Honestly who came up with the idea of a giant CAT rolling up into a ball and coming at you with ridiculous speed? It might be as fast as a lightning spear as I recall (of course I have not done pvp and thus have not had to try dodging that particular spell as of yet). Then you fight 3 of them at once? No thanks I will just hide where I can't be reached and take potshots till they die.

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    If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat Empty Re: If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat

    Post by Everynevers Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:20 pm

    Cat... because my cat, Wolf, tells me so.

    Gameplay-wise I only wonder if the Rat's poison might have a chance to kill the cat(s) after the rat had wrecked.
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    If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat Empty Re: If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:41 pm

    nope it takes at least two poisonings to kill a cat, as when i enter their area at lvl 5 i poison them to death, takes two applications per cat.

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    If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat Empty Re: If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat

    Post by lalliman Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:25 am

    Guise, guise, keep in mind here. It's not a cat. It's a Cheshire Cat!
    I mean look at its mouth.

    Aznul wrote:It might be as fast as a lightning spear as I recall (of course I have not done pvp and thus have not had to try dodging that particular spell as of yet)
    You know batwing demons throw lightning spears right? Try dodging those, it's not too hard. Then again, those cats are quite a lot bigger.

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    If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat Empty Re: If the (mini) bosses battled: Giant Cat vs Giant Rat

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