Taking a break from Halo 4 lol
Taking a break from Halo 4 lol
WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:WTF, you can rate builds now? :shock:
As for the actual build the Halberd+Leo Ring combo hits really hard and I'm impressed that you were able to get that much poise for that little armor so good job on that.
I personally don't like to use the Halberd so it wouldn't work for me, but if it suits you then that's all that matters.
Ghadis_God wrote:You don't need 61 poise unless you plan on getting hit more than once in a row with a Katana or spear, something that should not happen with fast roll. Try subbing the Wolf Ring for the Ring of FaP, it'll give you more HP and stamina to work with. Also, I would put the Pyro flame in the offhand. Then you can stagger someone with Black flame and follow up with a Leo Halberd thrust. Here's what I would do to make your build better: