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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion


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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:20 pm

    For too long they had been sealed in the Abyss, immortals buried like corpses under the foul ash that lined the Chasm. For too long they had been forced to slumber; their hatred of the Gods chained, their bloodlust quenched. Until he came. Abel. Perhaps it was the scent of Kaathe the Tempter they smelled on him, perhaps it was the howl of madness that echoed through Oolacile; the howl of Primordial man.
    Abel had sought an army, and what he roused in the dark corners of the Abyss sent a chill down even his spine. They were there waiting, thirty three score and six, flitting through the impermeable darkness as phantoms, blood red and translucent.
    “The Orb” they whispered. “You have the Orb” “The Crimson Eye” “You serve the Serpent” “Friend” “The Orb”. Abel withdrew the orb from underneath his armor, holding it in the palm of his hand. It seemed to grow larger in the darkness, and the phantoms crowded around him. One by one they touched the orb, and each seemed to be drawn into its depths. Suddenly, the Orb blazed with a blinding red light, and went dark. A cacophony of laughter was heard in the distance; some high and shrill, some low and rich with menace, each filled with wicked intent. The darkness pressed in closer on Abel, and the laughter died abruptly. In the inscrutable blackness around Abel, a rumbling was heard, and the dank, sickly ash that floored the Chasm parted and fell away. Coffins, a countless number of them, sprang from the ash trailing chains and burst open, broken and rusted links clinking as they fell away from the splintered wood. From each coffin stepped an angel, as strong and terrible as the day they fell; save for the wings that were plucked from their backs.
    Abadonna came forth to speak for them, throwing back her hood as she approached Abel. The long hair of the Angel of Death was as red as blood, and it glimmered in the light given off by her pale, sickly white face.

    “A human that serves the Serpent.” Her voice seemed to come from a distance, cold and merciless. “Times have indeed chained since we fought the Gods and were imprisoned, a hundred thousand years in the past. I know what you have come to ask, human, and we are not ungrateful. You desire power. Our power.”

    “Indeed.” Abel replied. “I freed you. You were bound once more to your bodies by my Orb. Now bind yourself to my word, my blade. Swear fealty to me, and we will destroy the fading gods and their allies. Dark shall swallow the earth.”

    “Do you know why our war was fought, human? Do you know why our wings were plucked from our backs, why we have slept a hundred millennia under ash and dust? We are the angels who would not bow to humanity. To mortals. Think not that our long imprisonment has softened our feelings. We are not dogs who lick the hand of whatever mere mortal throws us a scrap of favor.”

    “I am no mere mortal. I am the Dark Lord.”

    “And what have you conquered, my Lord? Lordship needs authority, and authority needs strength, which needs first a weapon. Keep your titles. We are filled with nothing but hate, and a thirst for revenge. We are not your weapon, but Kaathe’s.”

    “Kaathe works to seat me on the Dark Throne. He is no authority over me.”

    “Are you so easily tricked by the toothy mouth of that snake? Take the throne on Earth, we want it not. Our throne shall be in the sky. We shall sit on the ruins of heaven, grinning with spite, laughing with the joy of revenge.”

    “We are one in this desire, then, and my Wraiths are many and strong. The fading Light cannot stand against us both. Shall we fight together then, not as Lord and vassals, but as allies?” Abadonna scrutinized him.

    “Many adventurers have trespassed on this most sacred dark” she finally replied. “This will not do. Manus is the cornerstone to the spread of the Abyss. It would be a sore loss indeed if he were to fall. This place must be purged, claimed for our own. From here we shall take Lordran.”

    “My Darkstalkers are cleansing Oolacile. My best men are deep in battle; once we finish up there, this chasm is next.” Abadonna smiled, amused but joyless.

    “We will take the Chasm. Go to the aid of your men; ours lust for blood and retribution. Not a soul will survive this purge. Then, we shall fight together.” Abel grinned wide. He turned, and as he walked slowly back to the light of the dying city, he laughed. The cruel sound echoed through the chasm; he had no doubt that his new allies could fail to paint it red with blood.

    Last edited by Ghadis_God on Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:44 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:20 pm

    Our first Fallen mass invasion will begin on Saturday December 15th, at 9pm GMT (4pm EST), and will last 24 hours, during which the Fallen will invade the Chasm of the Abyss. Regular Darkstalker toons (SL55) may not be used. Only members of the Fallen (SL75) may participate. The points system is as follows:
    1 point for killing the host
    1 point for killing a white or yellow phantom aiding the host
    1 extra point for defeating a 2v1 (Once both the host and phantom die, add an extra point.)
    2 extra points for defeating a 3v1 (Once the host and both phantoms die, add two extra points.)

    For example, if you invade a 3v1, kill both phantoms, but get killed by the host, you get two points. Killing both phantoms does not count as defeating a 2v1. The host and all phantoms must die for any "extra" points to apply. Therefore, defeating a 2v1 is worth 3 total points, while defeating a 3v1 is worth 5 total.

    I will do some preliminary invading in the Chasm to figure out good ambush spots, the best place for using the orb, etc. Those tips will be added to the thread as I discover them.

    Invasion Tips:
    No one seems to have the sack to take on Manus alone: expect 2 and 3v1's with greater frequency than solo hosts. You also spawn very close to where the host is usually going to be, which means you often need to jump right into battle. Therefore, I would recommend setting yourself up for big damage rather than straightup duels and 1v1. Crits, Pyro, and Sorc will be your friend.

    Ambushing your opponents with sorcery on the long bridge that leads to Manus is a near-unbeatable tactic if you preserve surprise.

    I also find that a lot of hosts disconnect, seeking to preserve their humanity for the battle ahead, so expect a lot of lost matches too.
    Many people, if you invade them in the beginning of the level, will run to the elevator and try to ambush you.

    Most people are higher level. Keep that in mind. However, not many of them break 1000 HP. Seems they prefer to increase scaling stats before vit/end.

    If you are participating, post in the thread with your Fallen's name so I can add a list of participants to the OP.
    Abadonna (Ghadis_God)
    Azrael (reim)
    Tyr (TehInfamousAmos)
    (character name) (hageshisa)
    (character name) (twilightwarwolf)
    Amisha Spenta (Jovias-86)
    (character name) (Billy-Bayonet)
    (character name) (demonslayer/FUEGILLO)

    Last edited by Ghadis_God on Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:43 pm; edited 9 times in total

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by reim0027 Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:52 pm

    I'm in. Sounds great!

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:53 pm

    Updated with some tips for invasions.

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Acarnatia Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:20 pm

    While I'm not part of the Fallen-that is awesome and I hope to see more like it. I think it will be really cool if players and the covenants do this for wars, invasions, events and stories (obviously I'm an avid roleplayer)
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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:33 pm

    We used to, but the cons outweighed the pros eventually.
    Still its good to know some people still like having lore with their fun, +1

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by twilightwarwolf Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:01 pm

    ghadis imma try to get the dlc asap so that i have a chance to join in on the fun.

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:17 pm

    Please do wolf, we need all the Fallen we can to participate.
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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:22 pm

    Screw it... Register Tyr(Judicare), he should be involved in the invasions. Great toon too... Though I will Duel the bastards on the bridge, COME AT ME! MY GREATBOW IS DRAWN, oh sorry - I didn't mean to knock you off... Well :Baal03:
    I'm off.
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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Ahhotep1 Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:10 pm

    Very Nice Ghadis!! cheers

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by hageshisa Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:58 pm

    Nice! Count me in! Just need to kill Four Kings and Im good to go : D

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:23 pm

    Don't forget to kill Manus too, you'll get interrupted by invaders otherwise.

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by hageshisa Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:18 pm

    I'll do my best : P

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:56 pm

    If you need help, I'm here for you. I'm sure many of the other Darkstalkers will be willing to help as well.

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by twilightwarwolf Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:05 pm

    wait we have to kill manus? or is it a suggestion? myself personally i like it when people come to vade me kinda fun but maybe its different in the dlc.

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:18 pm

    If you kill people invading you, you don't get any points. If you at all care about getting a high score, then you should kill manus so that your invading doesn't get interrupted. If you want a place to PvP during the DLC, get Gough to shoot down Kalameet; then the Royal Wood becomes a PvP area once more.

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by twilightwarwolf Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:53 pm

    ahh ok now it makes sense i thought vaders were points as well. i must be confusing yours and blues my bad. but now that i know when i get dlc ill kill him asap.

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:12 pm

    Well yeah, what would be the point of a DW event if you didn't have to invade to get points?

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by twilightwarwolf Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:38 pm

    yh makes sense n that just shows how dumb i really am.

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:59 pm

    Sorry if that came out as offensive wolf, I was just teasing. (I also need the posts to bump the thread)

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Jovias-86 Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:01 am

    Yep... Im in Ghadis happy

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by twilightwarwolf Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:51 pm

    no prob ghadis i wasnt thinkin

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:32 pm

    Got it jov, I'll add you to the list. Also, everyone remember to give me the name of your character- the one you specified in the lore you had to write for billy when you joined the Fallen

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by Jovias-86 Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:47 am

    Mine is Amisha Spenta happy

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    The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion Empty Re: The Fallen rise: Chasm of the Abyss Mass Invasion

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:29 am

    You guys are doing well!

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