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Agent Talon
6 posters

    Need some direction

    Agent Talon
    Agent Talon

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    Need some direction Empty Need some direction

    Post by Agent Talon Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:40 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I have been playing DS on and off since release but feel like I have never really gotten the hang of character builds. Right now I have a lvl 60 faith build built around miracles but I just feel like its a weak build.

    What I would like to do is start a new character that can hold it's own in PvE but is really built for PvP. I would like something that is nimble and uses a sword and some spells. My issue is that every time I try to come up with a build I simply don't know what weapons and upgrades work well for PvP. I have looked at the character builds here but I'm not sure what would be a good starting spot, any ideas or favorites you might recommend?

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    Need some direction Empty Re: Need some direction

    Post by defacto Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:56 pm

    Head to the pvp forums. There are literally 100s of builds to choose from.

    But faith revolves around weapon buffs and wrath of god.

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    Need some direction Empty Re: Need some direction

    Post by AzureCrow Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:08 pm

    ^This^ Is a great start but essentially a standard build will have either 30 faith and 40 dex or 40 str with just enough endurance to light or mid roll with your preferred equipment and as many points you can spare into vitality. Also never level resistance as it doesn't effect pvp. Or it would have a higher faith but lower main stats.

    For instance If you where making a Darkmoon to focus entirely on darkmoon blade it would be worthwhile to invest in 40 or 50 faith because of it's insane modifier. However a build like that would be vulnerable should it run out of casts.

    Do you know what specifically your looking to do with it?
    Agent Talon
    Agent Talon

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    Need some direction Empty Re: Need some direction

    Post by Agent Talon Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:12 pm

    I would really like to do a spellsword setup that is rather quick. I like the whole assassin vibe. My real issue is that the game overwhelms me with options, I feel like I have no idea what weapons/armor I should use and always want to swap them out for others.

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    Need some direction Empty Re: Need some direction

    Post by Abiathar82 Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:15 pm

    Also try to get the all the lighting spear spells from Sun Bro covenant. They are all great and work really well on bosses. Also as mentioned above , once you get the lighting spear spells , switch to Darkmoon covenant. Darkmoon Blade weapon buff is very powerful and great in PVP. With these spells , plus Wrath of the Gods and some other miracles you will be very powerful in both PVE and PVP. I actually have a build exactly like this and it works very well.

    As for weapon choices , there are a few weapons that do not require a lot of stats investment , but are powerful. Some of the Black knight weapons , Gravelord Sword , Obsidian Great Sword if you have the DLC , Crescent Axe is great for faith builds. Also divine weapons can be really great for faith builds. I am sure there are other weapons I am forgeting but that is a little bit of a start for you.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Need some direction Empty Re: Need some direction

    Post by RANT Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:18 pm

    you really should make a high sl build that can use everything and try everything so you can finally make a build around a weapon(s) you like. no one here is gonna know exactly what you like since youre the only one that knows. just play the game, use everything and decide what you like.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Need some direction Empty Re: Need some direction

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:31 pm

    An assassin like vibe you say Sir!? Female toon here we come with this setup.

    You would be a forest hunter whom would be assassinating the gankers. Lets just say Hidden Weapon on a scythe is a scary thing to face.

    The faith variant of this??

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