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    If you could change one thing in DKS?


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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by Abiathar82 Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:09 pm

    Title basically says it. You get one choice. What is the one thing you would fix , change , add , tweak. Would love to see some creative ideas winking.
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by Carphil Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:12 pm

    Chester's coat without that rose and scarf

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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by BeeSeaEss Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:13 pm

    Ornstein's helm with the hair, then I would wear it.
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by Jester's Tears Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:13 pm


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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by AzureCrow Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:17 pm

    Change the arena and give it game types where every player has a secondary buff to give fun effects. First game-type would be slug fest, no bs's, +100 of each defense and + 30% stamina consumption to guard.

    Even with all the glitches the arena is the biggest let down in Dark Souls for me.
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by The Letter X Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:18 pm

    I would remove backstabs. Not to get rid of the fishers, but to get rid of those who complain about them.

    But when I think about it, it would make PvP a bit better as a whole - more realistic fights.

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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by Abiathar82 Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:31 pm

    I like every Idea posted so far happy. It is unfortunate we do not have the money to make a game. Removal of BS would make fights more realistic / more fun. Like the Arena ideas. Why doesnt Os Helm have the hair? Totally got ripped of on that one. And making Chesters coat a little more manly wouldnt hurt anyone.

    I only wish for one thing , a safe area to conduct trades in , without the hassel of invasions. Also a non restricted Soap stone just for this use. You could not conduct any kind of attacks on each other or on enemies , it would just be for trading. Maybe make it blue , that seems like a friendly color.
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by BLA1NE Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:49 pm

    As much as I hate getting lagstabbed, the backstab mechanic serves an important role in the game--even (or, I should say, especially) in PvP. Backstabbing is pretty much the only thing you can do against parry-spammers. (Other than my favorite offhand weapon, that is: the Notched Whip!)

    What I would change about Dark Souls, is improve the lag. Also, allow a minimum of online settings, like region locking. It's great that we can play with people from all over the globe (especially for us, who are part of a community of people from all over the world, and we like to get together for co-op or events), but more often than not I DO NOT want to play against Japanese players. It's nothing racist, it's just that they're on the other side of the planet, so obviously the lag is going to be terrible! It's marvelous, technologically, that we can even play with someone on the other side of the globe, but I'd like the option to turn it off and on at will, to improve latency.

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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by Abiathar82 Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:54 pm

    Another good one Blaine. About the parry spam , spear? Granted you can still be parried , but it is tougher to do. Also I still just think because of the unavoidable lag BS is just OP and way over used. The situations a BS could be used in a real fight are very few.
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by BLA1NE Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:18 pm

    Nah, I don't enjoy spears (poking weapons in general). They do so little damage, and they're the easiest thing in the game to parry (people using them generally spam R1, or repeat predictable patterns like rolling-R1s--easy to parry). I've never been parried using one, but that's because I always poke and roll. Just poke and roll... do it enough, and you'll eventually win the fight! I'm practically unbeatable wielding a spear, but it's just so boring (and a little unfair, in that it does take advantage of lag quite a bit). So I don't use them.
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by The Letter X Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:20 pm

    Jump attacks, dead angles, and kicks are also ways around parry spammers.
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by PlasticandRage Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:24 pm

    Beards sir. Beards. I just made a character in another game last night, first one I've made in an RPG since I've been playing DkS; and I made him the biggest, burliest, hairiest son of a * you could possibly imagine, just to spite DkS's lack of manliness
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by BLA1NE Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:27 am

    The Letter X wrote:Jump attacks, dead angles, and kicks are also ways around parry spammers.
    Jump attacks are begging to get backstabbed, curved swords have no kick (I hate that), and the PGS isn't exactly the best weapon to dead angle with--no range. I'm perfectly happy whipping parry spammers, though--don't really need any other solutions! (I don't mean to derail this thread...)
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by PlasticandRage Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:31 am

    ^ I've actually been wondering this for a couple days now, but keep forgetting to bring it up. Can jump attacks be parried now? I was pretty sure they couldn't, but I think I may have done it by accident in PvP the other day. We were lagging pretty hard at the time, so I'm not entirely sure if that's what I parried or if I got him out of something I hadn't seen the animation for. I'm figuring it's probably the latter, but it never hurts to ask. It certainly looked as though that's what happened.

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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by sekkate Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:34 am

    close the BS gap 25-30%
    The Letter X
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by The Letter X Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:35 am

    PlasticandRage wrote:^ I've actually been wondering this for a couple days now, but keep forgetting to bring it up. Can jump attacks be parried now? I was pretty sure they couldn't, but I think I may have done it by accident in PvP the other day. We were lagging pretty hard at the time, so I'm not entirely sure if that's what I parried or if I got him out of something I hadn't seen the animation for. I'm figuring it's probably the latter, but it never hurts to ask.

    I of course cannot say they are 100% unparryable, but for someone who jump attacks multiple times In one duel agaInst people who are very skilled at parrying, I can say it's probably less probable to parry jumping attacks than the rolling RB/R1 attack of the Large Club.

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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by raecor14 Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:39 am

    i would make sens a more of a PVP hotspot because it is just perfect

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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by Automancer Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:48 am

    BLA1NE wrote:As much as I hate getting lagstabbed, the backstab mechanic serves an important role in the game--even (or, I should say, especially) in PvP. Backstabbing is pretty much the only thing you can do against parry-spammers. (Other than my favorite offhand weapon, that is: the Notched Whip!)

    What I would change about Dark Souls, is improve the lag. Also, allow a minimum of online settings, like region locking. It's great that we can play with people from all over the globe (especially for us, who are part of a community of people from all over the world, and we like to get together for co-op or events), but more often than not I DO NOT want to play against Japanese players. It's nothing racist, it's just that they're on the other side of the planet, so obviously the lag is going to be terrible! It's marvelous, technologically, that we can even play with someone on the other side of the globe, but I'd like the option to turn it off and on at will, to improve latency.

    Sadly i can't agree to this. SInce i live onthe other side of the world from most US or western players, i get lags from you guys as well. While i get decent connections from the Japanese players. It just sounds a tad selfish, y'know. If we had to deal with lags from you guys, you have to as well. =)

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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by Abiathar82 Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:56 am

    I dont think Blaine meant like a cut off JP player button. More like a close off certain parts of the world button. So that you are only say, playing with people on your continent. This would for the most part reduce lag. Since you live "Somewhere in asia" you would play with Asia , Europe and Jp players. something like that.

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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by Glutebrah Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:27 am

    make every covenant worth joining, give each one a special bonus
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by BLA1NE Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:47 am


    Unless it was a feature of the patch I'm not aware of, forward-R2 lunging attacks are unparryable. What you parried, most likely, was a special attack of certain weapons that have lunges in them. The BK Halberd and Greataxe, for example, have regular R1 or R2 attacks that lunge, but they're not forward-R2 lunging attacks. Those regular R1 and R2 lunging attacks, you can parry (just like certain weapons' special AoE-R2 attacks happy--but only those that have swinging animations in them).


    Yes, of course I meant an option to restrict the regions to those that give you optimal latency, not auto-cutoff-japanese players! Like Abiathar said.
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by PlasticandRage Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:50 am

    BLA1NE wrote:@Plastic:

    Unless it was a feature of the patch I'm not aware of, forward-R2 lunging attacks are unparryable. What you parried, most likely, was a special attack of certain weapons that have lunges in them. The BK Halberd and Greataxe, for example, have regular R1 or R2 attacks that lunge, but they're not forward-R2 lunging attacks. Those regular R1 and R2 lunging attacks, you can parry (just like certain weapons' special AoE-R2 attacks happy--but only those that have swinging animations in them).

    That's what I meant, if it was a feature of the patch that I wasn't aware of officially yet. However, yeah, I think you're exactly right. It makes perfect sense. I'm pretty sure he was using one of the clubs.
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by BLA1NE Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:00 am

    ^Yup, the large clubs (great hammers) have one of those. It's a rather long wind-up followed by a small jump and (if I remember correctly) a downward, vertical slam. The forward-R2, on the other hand (again, iirc), has less wind-up and a much more pronounced lunge. But I don't remember if the lunging attack is also a vertical slam, or a horizontal sweep... Either way, pretty sure the lunge is a noticeable leap, whereas the attack is a windup followed by a hop.

    Edit: Off the top of my head, here's one: at 2:30, that's not a lunging attack.
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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by PlasticandRage Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:26 am

    ^ Yeah, I'm pretty positive you're right on the money here. I think I did just parry a normal R2 attack that happened to have a lunging animation. Good call.

    Saves me getting my * handed to me over and over, going out and trying to find out if you really can parry them post-patch or not

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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

    Post by Everynevers Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:48 am

    Faster running. I just finished up DeS and I'd say faster. It was so nice how fast I ran in DeS. Then I came back to DkS and I feel like I'm trudging through the swamps no matter how naked I run.

    Beard? Hell, yes facial hair options, please. I'd love to have a nice curly mustache.

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    If you could change one thing in DKS? Empty Re: If you could change one thing in DKS?

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