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    DS Fix problems


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    DS Fix problems Empty DS Fix problems

    Post by Shindori Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:58 am

    Everything is set to the fix's needs, even the framerate is unlocked... but i cap at 28fps... is there any way to get me up to 60fps?

    Also what does it normally cap at for people?
    I have an alienware M14x. 8mb ram, half a tera hard drive... well, comes with the basic specs which asre pretty damn high.

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    DS Fix problems Empty Re: DS Fix problems

    Post by Veradox Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:49 am

    I wold ercommend not to mess with framerate. Just let it be at 30 FPS - it is the standard for everybody. Changing it to anything else might have quite bad consequences.
    P.S. Have no idea why you have it 28. It should be 30.

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    DS Fix problems Empty Re: DS Fix problems

    Post by Shindori Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:59 am

    Really..? I thought the standard was 60 for most.. well at least i know im at the standard.. n.n and i love this game so much more on pc

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    DS Fix problems Empty Re: DS Fix problems

    Post by CaligoIllioneus Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:24 am

    60 fps makes it play faster, also since some things are programmed at 30, it may cause some bugs. I don't recommend it at all.

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    DS Fix problems Empty Re: DS Fix problems

    Post by Po1ymorph Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:53 pm

    Unlocking the frame rate with DSFix does not make the game run faster at all. There can be issues with collision detection on slopes and ladders but I have not experienced them at all in 40+ hours.

    To get 60fps adjust the following settings

    unlockFPS 1

    FPSlimit 60

    FPSthreshold 28

    Apparently you need a powerful CPU however to get 60fps. I have 60fps with 1080p and all settings on max and the game looks and plays beautifully on the following setup.

    560ti 448
    i5 3570k ivy bridge
    8 GB RAM

    PS: The following is direct from the guys blog that makes DSfix

    In other news, I believe that all the possible issues with the FPS
    unlock are now known, and there is a way to deal with most of them as of
    version 1.8:

    • Sliding down ladders can make you fall through the ground. Workaround: don’t slide down ladders with unlocked FPS.
    • Jumping/rolling distance is slightly reduced at 60 FPS. Workaround:
      in case you need to do one of the 2 or 3 jumps in the game that need
      maximum distance, use the new toggle key to toggle a 30 FPS limit for
      the jump, then toggle back to 60 after it.
    • Slope interactions are slightly different at 60 FPS compared to 30,
      which may make you “stuck” at small obstructions from time to time.
      Workaround: rolling if there is space, walking back and forth a bit if
      there is not. Toggling the 30 FPS lock for a second in the worst case.

    I have been playing for 40 hours or so with unlocked framerate, in single-player, coop and pvp, and I had no other issues.

    In conclusion, I hope everyone had a nice couple of weeks and backed Project Eternity!

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