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    Servants of chaos help a fellow eggcarrier out.


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    Servants of chaos help a fellow eggcarrier out. Empty Servants of chaos help a fellow eggcarrier out.

    Post by DeltronSeven Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:00 am

    I was wondering, to reach lvl 2 in the servant of chaos covenant one needs to offer 30 humanity to our beloved lady. Now since i still refuse to pay the xboxlive fee so i could play online and have lost some humanity allready i want to know if humanity allready offered to the lady carries over to NG+?

    Well thats it folks, i'm looking forward to your answears. Servants of chaos help a fellow eggcarrier out. 3149687655
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Servants of chaos help a fellow eggcarrier out. Empty Re: Servants of chaos help a fellow eggcarrier out.

    Post by DoughGuy Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:01 am

    Yep. All covenant items given continue over to NG+
    Lord of Ash
    Lord of Ash

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    Servants of chaos help a fellow eggcarrier out. Empty Re: Servants of chaos help a fellow eggcarrier out.

    Post by Lord of Ash Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:09 am

    you will retain your rank in the covenant your in when you beat thae game

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