by Forcefed Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:06 pm
As I am a moderator from the wiki's chatroom I tend to start thinking about things from that perspective. Therefore I have a suggestion for the interface of the new wiki site.
Something which was a problem at the first game's release was the fact, that the chat was very heavily flooded. People had no intrest to start searching for the info on the wiki, but to straight ask the most simple questions in the chatroom. Now that Dark Souls 2 was announced, I immeaditely thought that this is going to be a problem again.
After spending some time thinking how this could be avoided, I came up with an idea of a sitemap;
The thing is, that the front page of the wiki does not really include anything to make it really user friendly for the new players. The categories are listed on the left, but the main spot which opens in front of the user's eyes only holds a picture of the game box.
IF there was a graphic imagemap which draws the user's attention immeaditly (while loading fast), it would help the new players to start searching for the info on the wiki instead of running straight to the chatroom to ask for the most basic questions.
I think this would be a good example picture of what you should see when you open the site (the site panel would still be included though):
This might be atleast some kind of solution to make the floods in the chatroom little bit smaller and drop out some questions which need to pointlessly be answered again all the time.