My name is Phaerus and I would love to have the opportunity to feature this Dark Souls gaming community on my youtube channel. I have discovered since I have begun uploading videos to youtube that there is a vast Dark Souls community that many of our fellow gamers have not tapped into or in the very least are not yet aware of. So I have embarked on an effort to highlight many of the different community aspects that have developed in this awesome game that we are enjoying. I have featured some fellow commentary uploaders, a cosplay uploader, the Dark Souls Gamefaqs community, and I would really relish the opportunity to feature Dark Souls Wiki. There are so many great things that I have been able to take advantage of here on this site due to the hard work, and efforts of a lot of people and I think it would be great to provide this community some more exposure. To be honest I didn't even know there was a forum here to be a part of until a current subscriber told me about it, despite how many hours I have spent browsing all the good stuff here
I am only on Xbox unfortunately, no PC and no PS3, but what I have in mind is some sort of community wide PvP event that would occur on all platforms. I am able to record on Xbox, and would like to link anyone and everyone that is able to record in the video I would make of the event. If you would like to look at my channel and get a idea of what sort of content to expect - I encourage you to do so:
I realize that I am a brand new member of Dark Souls Wiki Forum, and while I see some friendly faces , I would rather not impose if this is something you guys are not interested in. So let me know what you guys think!
Last edited by Phaerus on Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:33 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Bad grammer :/)