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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran


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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by reim0027 Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:20 pm

    I've started a tour of Lordran, at a low soul level. It has been great. Here are my rules:

    • Must be a Darkwraith
    • Can only use items/weapons/armor/spells/rings that are reasonably accessible by that area.
    • Can't use any chunks or slabs for upgrades - until reach Anor Londo
    • No elementals - until reach Anor Londo (see exception below).
    • No healing (except by miracles).
    • Can only purchase items with souls collected via invading.
    • Low soul level. Currently, I'm at 6, but may increase it as I get farther along, probably topping out at 30 or 40 when I hit Anor.

    Exceptions to the elemental weapon use is for people who are obviously over leveled or are swinging elemental weapons of their own.

    I'm having a blast. I've got 95 host kills under my belt. 20 each at: undead burg, lower burg, hellkite bridge spawn, and the parish. I've got 15 at the Depths. Once I hit 20, then I'm moving on. Upper b-town, lower b-town, Ceaseless, Darkroot garden, catacombs, and then I'll probably move on to Sen's. I've only rarely had failed invasions, and most times, I'm insta-summoned. Also, it has the added bonus of doing the 4-kings and Anor Londo with a severe handicap (I highly recommend being able to warp).

    I'd like to call on all darkwraiths (I'm looking at the Darkstalkers in particular) to try this out.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by GrinTwist Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:25 pm

    I'll have to try this out next time I'm playing Dark Souls.

    I have to say I'm looking forward to invading at the church with nothing more than Full Balder or Undead Warrior gear.

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by Jansports Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:13 am

    What luck! I totally botch some stuff on my first attempt at Vageta's one shot challenge so I have a handy dandy level 1 Pyro who would just need to go to kings and I can start wraithing.

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by reim0027 Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:29 am

    I've hit 100. I donated my humanity to Kaathe and am at DW +3. Once you hit a certain amount, you can't donate humanity anymore. Kaathe tells you well done. Didn't know that. On to upper b-town.

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by Myztyrio Mon Dec 24, 2012 5:21 am

    Have you been stealing humanity as well? (via Dark hand)

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by reim0027 Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:44 pm

    Nope. I use my soft humanity to count host kills. I'm currently at upper b-town. What a PITA. The spawn point is annoying. The hosts can hide in so many places. 1/2 of my kills are from them falling off. 7 more and I'm off to lower b-town.
    Chosen Undead
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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by GrinTwist Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:05 pm

    Gah it's been so long since I've beaten the four kings at a low SL. I just need to open the floodgates and I'll be a bit closer to getting Red Eye Orb.

    Also I do have a question for you Reim do we just not upgrade the weapons at all? Or can we only stop at +10?


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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by reim0027 Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:27 pm

    I'm stopping at +10. But, once I get to Anor Londo and above, then full upgrades are a go.

    Finished upper b-town and moving into lower.

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by DemonOfFate Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:49 pm

    Hmm seems interesting the lowest SL i have done is 17 and i invade in the parish (Full Balder set Balder Swag Sword +3) Hmm...i shall try this...

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by reim0027 Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:27 am

    Should I level up? I have 20 host kills in each of the following:

    • Undead Burg
    • Lower Undead Burg
    • Solaire Bonfire
    • Parish
    • Depths
    • Upper B-Town
    • Lower B-Town
    • Catacombs

    I'm off to the dark root basin. I'm increasingly fighting hosts much higher than me. The catacombs averaged probably 40+ (many were 60). It is kinda getting annoying to be one-shot.

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by reim0027 Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:57 pm

    Just did 20 host kills in the Garden. The hosts that I killed averaged 33 (I'm SL 6). This doesn't include the 413 host I killed. Now, I lost many times, but very few were to low level players. I guess the matching near your SL kinda falls apart at a really low SL.

    BTW, I'm at 180 host kills now.

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by reim0027 Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:58 am

    Ok. I've got 300 host kills. Almost through Anor. I just have the last bonfire to invade. I'm going to clear everything up to the kiln. Still getting 20 kills at every invadable bonfire before moving on.

    My average host kill in Anor is 50 (median = 48, so pretty consistent). A lot of fun, I tells ya.

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by reim0027 Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:17 pm

    Sorry to bump an old thread . . . but,

    I reached 400 kills yesterday. I'm currently at the second bofire in the ToG. I've got PW, Duke's, and Kiln left.

    I've been keeping a list of the average/median SL of the hosts I kill. It might prove useful for darkwraiths/sunbros in the future. I started at the Darkroot garden. So, when I've completed my tour, I'll redo the areas up to then and post the completed list.
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by The Letter X Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:00 pm

    Good luck finishing, reim. It seems like you're thriving at the moment, but good luck anyway. I'm interested in seeing the average SL, and that's some awesome props to have once you're done when I think about it.

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by Ghadis_God Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:03 am

    I'm doing this too at the moment reim (SL5), so far I've been invading the Parish and Burg with defense below 100 and Claws+5 (dual wielded). Invading Anor at this level is a serious challenge, even with an elemental, which I always keep in my back pocket to deal with OP phantoms and the like. I think I'll go +10 for the Depths and Btown, +15 for Sen's, then use my Light Estoc for AL.

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by reim0027 Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:05 am

    The Burg was more of a challenge than the Parish. I invaded many campers at high SL just because of the PvP action that was going on.

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by Ghadis_God Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:12 am

    I got a lot of anti-griefers in the parish who summon Solaire in NG+7 to gank invaders, or gank at higher levels to kill griefers. Not counting them, I only ran into one high level guy in the Burg, and one lone SL250 Gravelord in the Parish in a number of invasions, the latter an epic win on my part (blind parry with claw offhand of a CMW ricard's into a heal-cancelling backstab and wakup pyro).

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by reim0027 Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:14 am

    Damn, very epic win!

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by Ghadis_God Fri Feb 15, 2013 2:06 am

    His first poke literally did more than 500 damage to me, it took off at least 75% of my life. I thought to myself "oh crap, if I don't parry I'm dead". Thankfully I was either underestimated or the host was really noobish enough to just run up to me and poke while in kissing distance so I managed to pull it off.

    Scratch the above though, host was actually withing a couple levels of SL230. I just checked using MM, I got 52K from him which puts him at 230

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by irollaround Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:53 pm

    Hello.Darkwraith Tour of Lordran 1361424789
    Been using the site and forums for a bit now and decided to finally join. I see you posting about knowing the level players you're invading and I'm wondering how you know. I believe I remember seeing something about it being based on the number of souls you receive, but I'm not sure and haven't been able to find anything looking around on here. Could one of you point me in the right direction. I'd appreciate it. Darkwraith Tour of Lordran 3149687655

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by Ghadis_God Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:09 pm

    As an invader you get 10% of the souls that it would take for the opponent to level up. The SL230 I beat would need 520,000 souls to level up to 231, so when I killed him I got 52,000. As a host, you get 50% of what it takes your invader to level up. When they kill my Darkwraith, they get around 300 souls.

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by reim0027 Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:44 pm

    irollaround wrote:Hello.Darkwraith Tour of Lordran 1361424789
    Been using the site and forums for a bit now and decided to finally join. I see you posting about knowing the level players you're invading and I'm wondering how you know. I believe I remember seeing something about it being based on the number of souls you receive, but I'm not sure and haven't been able to find anything looking around on here. Could one of you point me in the right direction. I'd appreciate it. Darkwraith Tour of Lordran 3149687655
    This what I use:

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by irollaround Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:27 am

    Thank you very much. happy

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    Darkwraith Tour of Lordran Empty Re: Darkwraith Tour of Lordran

    Post by reim0027 Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:05 am

    Run is finished. I killed a total of 620 hosts, ranging from my SL all the way to 709. I invaded every area of Lordran (from every bonfire that spawned me in a different location) with 2 exceptions. Kiln and Ceaseless. Ceaseless was dead. I only got a couple invasions and they were to gankers and campers (waiting on organized duels, I'm sure). Kiln = hell no. I'm open to invasion there (can't be hollow and can't beat the boss). I've accumulated one or 2 indictments during this run. There will be too many darkmoon interruptions. Not only that, but there are always failed invasions (people invading me) which will be a constant annoyance.

    This was a blast. Very frustrating at times, since there was little room for error, and I was facing people way way way above my SL. It's late for me. I'll figure out the average SL that I faced (since I started keeping track) tomorrow.

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