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    Balder Side Sword?


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    Balder Side Sword? Empty Balder Side Sword?

    Post by MyAwesomeAfro Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:49 am

    I'm currently making a SL120 Dex/Pyro build and I'm struggling to find a weapon to compliment how I play. I'm not fan of slow weapons so I've taken a liking to Dagger, Thrusting sword and straight swords, the BSS in particular.

    My Build looks a bit like This (Feel free to offer opinions on how I could alter it, though I do know this is not the place, I'm just posting it purely for reference)

    I'm after a solid weapon with a strong moveset so I'm sure this sword has that, Yet I'm also after one with a decent critical hit modifier, Thus the hornet ring (But I'm not sure if I want to devote a ring slot to it...)

    But the main problem is I don't know what path to take it on. I could make it Chaos, or leave it +15 and apply Resin since I have no faith or INT.

    Any suggestions? Ideas? Criticisms? All type of help and/or constructive criticism is greatly welcomed!
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Balder Side Sword? Empty Re: Balder Side Sword?

    Post by RANT Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:01 am

    i think the bss compliments pyro builds perfectly since its really light and fast and has that annoying poke that has spear phantom range. curved swords are really good too. btw if youre going full pyro use the pyro sets, looks awesome and it has one of the bes defenses in the game, also switch toxic mist for poison mist to hide your other spells and you get three instead of one.

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    Balder Side Sword? Empty Re: Balder Side Sword?

    Post by TonyDamajer Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:04 pm

    If youre increasing dex then +15is the way to go and even if the backstab dmg on straight swords is horrible I wouldnt sacrifice a ringslot for it - if the backstab does horrible dmg I just wouldnt waste a 40% increase on it
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    Balder Side Sword? Empty Re: Balder Side Sword?

    Post by The Letter X Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:43 pm

    You can also use the Estoc. It has the same weight, scaling, and has similar pokes to the BSS. I'd say the BSS and Estoc are your two best bets to compliment pyromancy because of their thrusting attacks.

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    Balder Side Sword? Empty Re: Balder Side Sword?

    Post by ChaosMoogle Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:00 pm

    As for the Hornet Ring; with the Balder Side Sword you'll get more damage and use out of it by using the Leo Ring's counter damage boost with well timed R2's than you will with backstabs, so use Leo instead.

    You could always switch your Pyro flame to the left hand, and equip the Estoc in your second right hand slot (you have the carry weight for it). This way you can use the Leo Ring with the BSS, and the Estoc for that matter, but still have a weapon that does good critical damage that you can easily switch to when you land a parry/want to backstab.

    Last edited by ChaosMoogle on Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Balder Side Sword? Empty Re: Balder Side Sword?

    Post by Jansports Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:17 pm

    Leo ring is way better than hornets for the BSS. Also at 45 dex you should learn to pyro from the left hand, as you can combo a kick to GC at max cast speed(45 dex)

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