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Jiub of Carim
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    how to use emit force successfully


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    how to use emit force successfully Empty how to use emit force successfully

    Post by raecor14 Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:06 am

    ok guys, i have been meaning to do this for a while. in a past build i used some under used faith spells. one of such was emit force. after reading many negative things about it i decided to make it good. these are a few things i found
    -damage was average at best BUT its a projectile AOE so you can't complain
    - it may just give you the most space of any spell in the game
    - people don't know how to dodge it efficiently so they just go to the side.
    this spell has won me a few games, it also assists in most games. it has adequate damage awesome range but a rather slow cast time. it is easy to dodge but when it lands you can get a jump on the opponent.

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    how to use emit force successfully Empty Re: how to use emit force successfully

    Post by WyrmHero Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:35 am

    I wonder if 45 Dex helps it. The miracle is way too slow man...

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    how to use emit force successfully Empty Re: how to use emit force successfully

    Post by raecor14 Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:45 am

    WyrmHero wrote:I wonder if 45 Dex helps it. The miracle is way too slow man...

    you would think its too slow, but as a whole it can be used effectively if you experiment enough
    Jiub of Carim
    Jiub of Carim

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    how to use emit force successfully Empty Re: how to use emit force successfully

    Post by Jiub of Carim Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:19 am

    I love Emit Force! People see you cast it and back off. It's not used often so people don't know how to react. Half the time they try to roll dodge, they get hit, and you can get the upper hand easily.
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    how to use emit force successfully Empty Re: how to use emit force successfully

    Post by Sentiel Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:41 am

    Dex helps it a bit, it's still goddamn slow. It's great when combined with WoG, or Force and if you unlock and aim it manually, ot works more, or less like a Great Fireball, but in addition, it sends your foe flying.

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    how to use emit force successfully Empty Re: how to use emit force successfully

    Post by raecor14 Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:45 am

    Sentiel wrote:Dex helps it a bit, it's still goddamn slow. It's great when combined with WoG, or Force and if you unlock and aim it manually, ot works more, or less like a Great Fireball, but in addition, it sends your foe flying.
    you forgot to mention better range, but if used near walls the aoe damage can do wonders
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    how to use emit force successfully Empty Re: how to use emit force successfully

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:59 am

    You dont realise how good it is till someone uses it unlocked well and throws it behind you so you can't dodge properly. Curse you Jov!
    Sage of Toads
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    how to use emit force successfully Empty Re: how to use emit force successfully

    Post by Sage of Toads Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:11 am

    Use it unlocked for ultimate effectiveness.
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    how to use emit force successfully Empty Re: how to use emit force successfully

    Post by Sentiel Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:13 am

    raecor14 wrote:
    Sentiel wrote:Dex helps it a bit, it's still goddamn slow. It's great when combined with WoG, or Force and if you unlock and aim it manually, ot works more, or less like a Great Fireball, but in addition, it sends your foe flying.
    you forgot to mention better range, but if used near walls the aoe damage can do wonders
    I'm not so sure about the range. Both range of flight and of AoE seem similar to me, but to be honest, I never tried EF to it's max range, because I prefer to cast it and manually aim it to hit the ground where I want it to generate the AoE at will, preferably behind my enemy, so it launches him towards my sword. twisted

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    how to use emit force successfully Empty Re: how to use emit force successfully

    Post by Xero Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:53 am

    You have to shout "FINAL FLASH" everytime you use it or its not going to do any damage.

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    how to use emit force successfully Empty Re: how to use emit force successfully

    Post by Automancer Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:27 am

    Oh ho ho ho, use Emit Force on me, i'll roll in and smash your head in. =3
    That's what i'll do when some people obviously don't know what they're doing.
    Emit Force is definitely awesome, people consider WoG over E. Force because it's noob-proof.

    Free aim this baddie and you're a winner!

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    how to use emit force successfully Empty Re: how to use emit force successfully

    Post by Jansports Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:22 pm

    It's basically just GFC with less restrictive aiming and a longer cast time.

    So perfectly good!

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