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    GIANT trade request (RESOLVED)

    Compulsory Poster
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    GIANT trade request (RESOLVED) Empty GIANT trade request (RESOLVED)

    Post by Sentiel Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:11 pm

    I have run up against a wall, or a lack of spirit to be precise.

    After doing some work on numbers, I've decided to make two, possibly three new toons. Nothing major this time and the builds are already decided, so I don't need help with them.
    However I've run out of willpower to farm all that Souls and titanite again. I love the game so much that I don't mind clearing it for 30th time (seriously), but the farming is impossible for me.
    With BB glitch gone, I will have to rely on trading and donations to get my builds up and running. If I won't find any, I will simply scratch those builds. Case closed.

    I will post target SL of each of the builds and the list of required items, then, I will post SL of my current builds and a list of items they can offer you as an exchange for the trade. I don't know the community value of most of the items, even so, I skipped all items, that are unupgraded, or are purchasable, or easily farmable.

    Required Items

    SL 25

    SL 85

    If you might be wondering, yes, I actually use that many weapons. Crazy Sentiel, I know.

    It is possible to just give me the titanite and Boss Soul required for the particular weapon, or weapons and I can take care of the smithing myself.

    I know that I ask for a LOT, but I don't want it for free, here is SL of each of my characters and what they can offer in return.

    Offered Items

    SL 127

    SL 122

    SL 117

    SL 100

    SL 1

    If you might wonder, yes, I used BB glitch. I've got, as a gift for killing an invader, 99 White Slabs and some Chunks + several other items from giftwraiths on my Sunbro toon and I used BB glitch to distribute the items among the toons and gifted the rest to random people. The rest of the items is legit, officer. I swear.

    I hope the items I've offered are enough to compensate for such a ridiculous request.

    :!: Be aware that the new toons are fresh out of Asylum as I write this. I will play with them as fast as I can, so the trade itself will be troublesome if our SL are too different and it will take some time to get RSS.
    Please keep that in mind when considering the trade!

    If any of you want to do this trade with me contact me on my PSN (it's in my sig), specify which items do you wish to trade and what items you want in return. I will update the lists with every completed trade.

    I am usually online on PSN every day from 18:00 to 23:00 CET / 12:00 to 17:00 EST and randomly on weekends.


    PS: Why does the forums autocorrect keeps removing major "T" form the word "titanite" and replaces it with minor "t"?

    Last edited by Sentiel on Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Compulsory Poster
    Compulsory Poster

    Posts : 3181
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    Join date : 2012-11-26
    Age : 37
    Location : Mushroom Kingdom

    GIANT trade request (RESOLVED) Empty Re: GIANT trade request (RESOLVED)

    Post by Sentiel Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:54 pm

    Believe it, or not...I certainly have troubles believing it myself, I've found someone so generous to give me all of the required things and even some extras.

    I would hereby like to thank spirit---60 for helping me once again. You have my deepest gratitude.

    Thank you. Proper Bow

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