Hi everyone, i'm making a sl00 katana build to join the "big league" but having a bit of trouble choosing between the Darkwood Grain Ring and Ring of Favor. If i were to ditch the DWGR for ROFAP my HP would jump from 1566 to 1980 with all the free weight and +20% hp effect. Now the question is: flips or more HP? I have no idea myself.
4 posters
Making my first PvP build. Is DWGR worth it?
Buskote- Posts : 2
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Animaaal- Compulsory Poster
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Lots of people think the DWGR is useless. However, it provides more immunity frames than a simple fast roll. It also has a longer roll animation. Albeit they are not extreme advantages, but they exist none the less.
I guess you gotta ask yourself, do you need the extra hp if you're avoiding damage all together? If you're just starting out in competitive pvp, you might wanna go with RoFaP. You'll appreciate the extra health and stamina. Later on however (depending on how comfortable you get with your build) you might wanna consider the DWGR. I use the DWGR on my pure caster with the RoFaP..no bellowing and no elf ears...it really pisses people off.
What other ring are you using if I might ask?
OHYA!!!! Welcome to the forums. I'm from a different wiki...I'm so glad I left and came here. People here are awesome.
I guess you gotta ask yourself, do you need the extra hp if you're avoiding damage all together? If you're just starting out in competitive pvp, you might wanna go with RoFaP. You'll appreciate the extra health and stamina. Later on however (depending on how comfortable you get with your build) you might wanna consider the DWGR. I use the DWGR on my pure caster with the RoFaP..no bellowing and no elf ears...it really pisses people off.
What other ring are you using if I might ask?
OHYA!!!! Welcome to the forums. I'm from a different wiki...I'm so glad I left and came here. People here are awesome.
Last edited by Animaaal on Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:38 pm; edited 2 times in total
Buskote- Posts : 2
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Wolf ring for the poise.
Animaaal- Compulsory Poster
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Very good ring as well.
ChillerHR- Obsessed
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...you swap Wolf and DWGR as you go...even during fight if done fast and smart...leave ROFAP on and swap these two? ...just a thought...
Poise is of no importance if you are evading all the time, if you suck evading what is DWGR for? Try and decide...
Poise is of no importance if you are evading all the time, if you suck evading what is DWGR for? Try and decide...
Animaaal- Compulsory Poster
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ChillerHR wrote:...you swap Wolf and DWGR as you go...even during fight if done fast and smart...
Thats REALLY good advice, for later though...much later. Unless you can already identify and analyze the poise break potential of each invader/host you face at first glance...in which case go for it.
WyrmHero- Lordvessel
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For example if fighting vs a very large weapon (ie. DGA) Wolf Ring is useless if you don't meet the poise breakpoint, so DWGR should be more useful in this case.