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    Gough's Greatbow[Figured Out]

    Town Crier
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    Gough's Greatbow[Figured Out] Empty Gough's Greatbow[Figured Out]

    Post by Tolvo Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:33 am

    So, I just killed Kalameet and went to Gough to get the Greatbow, as is listed on the Wiki. This is on my Gough cosplay, so I need a constant supply of his arrows meaning this is the first time I've kept him alive.

    Upon speaking to him multiple times, and quitting and reloading, I have yet to receive his Greatbow.

    "After defeating Black Dragon Kalameet, talk to Gough once more and he will give you his bow."

    From the wiki, I was wondering if this is simply incorrect, or a glitch I've encountered.

    Has anyone ever received the bow without killing Gough?

    If no one can vouch that he gives it, I'll be deleting that line from the Wiki.

    EDIT: Alright, so after just talking to him a bunch of times he eventually gave it to me. I had to speak to him like eight times. So I'm just going to add that to the Wiki.
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    Gough's Greatbow[Figured Out] Empty Re: Gough's Greatbow[Figured Out]

    Post by ublug Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:40 am

    He should always give the bow after you kill kalameet, you might have encountered a glitch if he won't give it to you. I think he even gave me the bow after I killed kalameet without gough shooting him down first.
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    Gough's Greatbow[Figured Out] Empty Re: Gough's Greatbow[Figured Out]

    Post by FinPeku Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:42 am

    It has worked for me just fine. It's either a glitch, or you are doing something wrong. Are you actually pressing the "talk" button in his menu instead of just talking to him? lol Sorry, i don't know really how to explain what i mean.
    Town Crier
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    Gough's Greatbow[Figured Out] Empty Re: Gough's Greatbow[Figured Out]

    Post by Tolvo Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:48 am

    Just before you guys posted, I added an edit. silly

    I'm also going to add the attack value for +4. I did +3 already. I wish I had seen that sooner, I could have done +2...Actually I think I have it on a character I can upgrade it once and see what the value is there.

    EDIT: I'm pretty sure the Wiki page for Gough's Greatbow is now done. Praise the Sun

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    Gough's Greatbow[Figured Out] Empty Re: Gough's Greatbow[Figured Out]

    Post by Hue Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:01 am

    ublug wrote:He should always give the bow after you kill kalameet, you might have encountered a glitch if he won't give it to you. I think he even gave me the bow after I killed kalameet without gough shooting him down first.

    How is that even possible?
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    Gough's Greatbow[Figured Out] Empty Re: Gough's Greatbow[Figured Out]

    Post by ublug Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:10 am

    Hachouma wrote:How is that even possible?
    Bow, arrows, and a lot of patience.

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