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    Lifehunt Scythe Value


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    Lifehunt Scythe Value Empty Lifehunt Scythe Value

    Post by Astardbay Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:45 am

    So I just realized the Lifehunt Scythe's value when you try to feed it to Frampt is 14. Such a strange number. Anyone know the reason behind this? Possibly something to do with Priscilla?

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    Lifehunt Scythe Value Empty Re: Lifehunt Scythe Value

    Post by Sloth9230 Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:12 am

    Frampt must not like Seath , or anyone related to him, very much. All crystal weapons sell for 1 soul, including the MLGS I believe. So assuming that Pricilla is his daughter, he doesn't really care for her things either. Is the dagger the same?

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    Lifehunt Scythe Value Empty Re: Lifehunt Scythe Value

    Post by Astardbay Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:04 am

    Nah, that gets the standard 5000 that all dragon weapons get.

    & to be fair, I hate Seath too. Scumbag who turned on his own people & then turned on the people he helped to get power. Probably why Priscilla's such a saint.
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    Lifehunt Scythe Value Empty Re: Lifehunt Scythe Value

    Post by skarekrow13 Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:58 am

    My guess is crystal items are hard to process/digest for him. Crystal is super brittle so it likely just falls apart with little returns. The Lifehunt's lore suggests it might be some kind of semi-sentient weapon that likes to keep souls for itself. I've always envisioned it kinda like Stormbringer

    So to answer your question for the Lifehunt, my guess is that it has already used whatever souls are inherent in a weapon providing small returns. Or the process of Frampt breaking it causes him harm, also leading to lost returns.

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