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    Where are you guys? :(


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    Where are you guys? :( - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are you guys? :(

    Post by reim0027 Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:50 pm

    Myztyrio wrote:
    reim0027 wrote:I'm invading like crazy. 355 host kills with my SL 6.

    Dude. Please explain how? I'd love to have a low level invader that I can do consistently well with against higher levels.
    I'm Warrior class. I put 1 point into dex and 1 into end. That wway, I can wield the shotel, rapier, heater, and have 54 poise. Of course, they're elementals.

    But, I've kept everything "fair" for the level I'm invading. That means no chunk upgrades and no elementals until Anor Londo. But, I did have an elemental rapier as backup, in case the host or phantom had them.

    I rarely have any failed invasions. I started keeping track of the average SL of the hosts I killed (starting at the Butterfly Forest). It started 32 (Darkroot), 41 (Sen's), 48 (Anor), 71 (Demon's Ruins), and 87 (Lost Izalith).

    And, back on topic, I have no idea how many Japanese people I invade. Honestly, I don't even check. I just invade and kill or die.

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    Where are you guys? :( - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are you guys? :(

    Post by densetsushun Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:05 pm

    Rifter7 wrote:
    Noob-of-Artorias wrote:Ah the sometimes joys of being an Xbox Player, no asian gods with bad connections to worry about.

    well.. they play the game at a level it should be played, and it's refreshing to have people to fight you can actually level against. it's just a shame they lag so effing much, and vice versa if you're across the pond reading this haha.
    I agree, luckily I didn't have bad lag when I fought the Japanese dude at Township but I definitely loved every defeat, it felt like an actual duel and not backstab fishing or pyro spamming. At a certain point he even switched it up to humour me and I still lost silly

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    Where are you guys? :( - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are you guys? :(

    Post by sure-magicians Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:32 pm

    densetsushun wrote:
    I agree, luckily I didn't have bad lag when I fought the Japanese dude at Township but I definitely loved every defeat, it felt like an actual duel and not backstab fishing or pyro spamming. At a certain point he even switched it up to humour me and I still lost silly

    Just been hosting with my 55 in the Township, lost more then I won but every fight was indeed good, I did encounter Pyro spamming though but it was not my opponent doing it :roll:

    I won't go as far as saying I loved every defeat but it were all good fights, bow before and after so I'm happy with that...

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    Where are you guys? :( - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are you guys? :(

    Post by densetsushun Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:53 pm

    Definitely, too bad we got invaded too much to be able to duel each other silly

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    Where are you guys? :( - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are you guys? :(

    Post by kettpower Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:06 am

    @ Pallash

    why don't you try to participate in that ceaseless discharge event that takes place at the 9th? it would be a good opportunity to meet some of the guys from the forum. i once played with some of them at a gravelord event - i think it was in the depths - and it was one of the funniest mulitplayer sessions i've had with this game.

    oh and about our question: yes we consider ourselves speaking german, we try very hard ; )
    Servus in die Schweiz!

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    Where are you guys? :( - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are you guys? :(

    Post by Jodecho Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:01 pm

    SL 1 - 100 (about every 10 - 15 levels in between). i usually hit Anor Londo and Township. occasionally ToG and Izalith. (all Darkwraith)

    when i DMB i have to do township or my blue eye never connects. i dont like using the ring because its almost always walking into a gank. same reason i never do the burg any more. i hit up the forest when im bored.

    almost every character ive had ive tried Gravelording but ive never been invaded or killed anyone with my hauntings. ill WSS or RSS every now and then but i never sunbro except when i was going for the all miracles achievement.

    xbox 360 btw. also never played agains anyone asian, but i have ran into 3 modders in the last week and those are the only 3 since day one so thats weird.

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    Where are you guys? :( - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are you guys? :(

    Post by will-yeah-buddy Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:23 pm

    I live in europe. It seems 90% of the time im facing either north american or japaneae players, regardless of what time and makes pvp pointless, getting backstabbed 5 feet from were i actually am makes it pretty pointless ;(

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    Where are you guys? :( - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are you guys? :(

    Post by LOLRagezzz Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:03 pm

    9/10 times I fight in the kiln my opponent is Japanese.
    You are choppy to them too so if they take advantage do the same.

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