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    Taking a break from dark souls.


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    Taking a break from dark souls. Empty Taking a break from dark souls.

    Post by Rifter7 Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:00 am

    Hey. first off, if you don't recognize my name this is your que to back out now.

    i'm going to be taking a break from dark souls, and the forums to some extent.

    my name, as a very small few of you may know, is actually from eve; a game i've played for years prior to dark souls.. and recently there's been an open beta release of a game called dust514 which is directly linked to eve online.

    i've swapped over to that game in full force due to the aforementioned and also because of the removal of the bbg and unforeseeable future of dark souls 2.

    i'll still do 2s once in a while as well as the odd rss duels, xsfers and coop, but yeah.. i haven't played in a while and will probably take a break from posting on the pvp board because i'm not actively pvping anymore.

    so yeah.. hope yall keep enjoying this great game and great forum, i hope some people take the helm of 2s and heres to hoping dark souls 2 doesnt suck yeah?


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    Taking a break from dark souls. Empty Re: Taking a break from dark souls.

    Post by WyrmHero Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:18 am

    See you in Dust rift. winking
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    Taking a break from dark souls. Empty Re: Taking a break from dark souls.

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:30 am

    See you around and for DS2. Rock rock on!
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    Taking a break from dark souls. Empty Re: Taking a break from dark souls.

    Post by Tolvo Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:50 am

    Hope you have a good time Rift, it's always been great talking with you.

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    Taking a break from dark souls. Empty Re: Taking a break from dark souls.

    Post by Emergence Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:01 pm

    Bah and just when I was liking you enough to pick on you...

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    Taking a break from dark souls. Empty Re: Taking a break from dark souls.

    Post by Rifter7 Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:05 pm

    lol i'll still visit the forums. i just don't really feel like playing dks anymore and will probably avoid the pvp board a lot... not much sense in someone giving advice for a game they aren't really playing anymore.

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    Taking a break from dark souls. Empty Re: Taking a break from dark souls.

    Post by WandererReece Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:17 pm

    Rifter7 wrote:Hey. first off, if you don't recognize my name this is your que to back out now.

    Taking a break from dark souls. Z93Cq

    Yes, I finally found a use for this! Taking a break from dark souls. 639795459
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    Taking a break from dark souls. Empty Re: Taking a break from dark souls.

    Post by Serious_Much Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:57 pm

    Rifter7 wrote:lol i'll still visit the forums. i just don't really feel like playing dks anymore and will probably avoid the pvp board a lot... not much sense in someone giving advice for a game they aren't really playing anymore.

    That has never stopped me, I've only played dark souls intermittently since last march but I still dish out the advice where I can silly

    Have fun with the new venture and I may come across you in the (hopefully) despicable lands of DKS2

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    Taking a break from dark souls. Empty Re: Taking a break from dark souls.

    Post by Emergence Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:28 pm

    Rifter7 wrote:lol i'll still visit the forums. i just don't really feel like playing dks anymore and will probably avoid the pvp board a lot... not much sense in someone giving advice for a game they aren't really playing anymore.

    That's a ridiculous statement...

    Ever hear of coaching? As the hockey fan you are, take a look at all the head coaches in the NHL. Sure you'll find more than a few who played in the NHL themselves. Are they not fit to coach anymore now that they don't play? It's not that hard to keep up on the trends and developments. You'd do a disservice to the new blood by not disseminating your background knowledge.

    Good, so it's decided. Rif will stay and be a teacher.

    /lock thread.
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    Taking a break from dark souls. Empty Re: Taking a break from dark souls.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:37 pm

    Rift. Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

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    Taking a break from dark souls. Empty Re: Taking a break from dark souls.

    Post by bunnywink Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:12 pm

    How did I miss this? Anyway, goodbye. It was fun doing 2s with ya. See you again in DkS2. 8)

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    Taking a break from dark souls. Empty Re: Taking a break from dark souls.

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