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Mr. Tart
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    That one song that got to you

    Mr. Tart
    Mr. Tart
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    That one song that got to you Empty That one song that got to you

    Post by Mr. Tart Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:01 am

    There are all these topics on music on the forums. But never have i seen one like this, and i think i know why, but i wanna give it a go anyway, so here goes.

    What is that one song that truly got to you, that one song that touched your heart, that one song that stuck with you for years.

    If you can't pick one, then pick more than one! If you'd like to, then please share the reason as to why it/they did. Was there anything to the lyrics, or just something about the song?`

    As is to expect, i'll go first;

    I suppose in some ways i can relate to this song. There's also that pain in Johnnys eyes that always gets to me.

    There's something about this song that i just can't explain. It reminds me about space, and whenever a song reminds me about space it's like i end up in a coma of some kind. I become happy, yet confused. It's hard to explain, but this song really touches my heart.
    Duke's Archivist
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    That one song that got to you Empty Re: That one song that got to you

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:05 am

    I assume you mean sad, emotional songs. Anyway, Roberta Flack's "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" is a good one.

    Mr. Tart
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    That one song that got to you Empty Re: That one song that got to you

    Post by Mr. Tart Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:07 am

    It really doesn't have to be a sad one. Anything really, as long as it "got to you" so to speak.
    Chosen Undead
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    That one song that got to you Empty Re: That one song that got to you

    Post by GrinTwist Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:43 am

    I think it's a bit of the music video and the song that brought me to tears. I really haven't tried any of the other songs by the artist yet.
    Tyler Durden
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    That one song that got to you Empty Re: That one song that got to you

    Post by RANT Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:58 am
    this one always gets me.

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    That one song that got to you Empty Re: That one song that got to you

    Post by Ashran Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:34 am

    WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:I assume you mean sad, emotional songs. Anyway, Roberta Flack's "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" is a good one.

    The Elvis version is very deep too.

    If i need to pick one... just one.. This is hard, but i think this could be one of the songs that touched me, long time ago.

    Great lyrics, awesome music. Such a deep theme. This song has the ability to rise me up when im down, but also keeps my smile up.

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    That one song that got to you Empty Re: That one song that got to you

    Post by mugenis4real Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:59 am

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