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    Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time


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    Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time Empty Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time

    Post by Flankydizzle Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:34 am

    Hey guys, i've noticed it's hard (almost impossible) for me to invade/be summoned at New Londo ruins entrance stairs/blacksmith.... I've been summoned outside the blacksmith ONCE and it wasn't by my friend who was waiting 10 minutes....

    However when the host has lowered the water, and you drop down to that first set of stairs down the bottom where you run into the first darkwraith, my friend summoned me consistently for 4kings 5 times in a row with no waiting.

    Do you guys have any other spots you've noticed that are hard to invade/be summoned at? Could be helpful to other players if you can name said spots where it never works for you.
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time Empty Re: Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time

    Post by The Letter X Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:16 pm

    It is impossible to summon someone prior to lowering the water in New Londo.

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    Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time Empty Re: Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time

    Post by Flankydizzle Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:22 pm

    Oh ok thanks. Would be nice if the game could grey out the white soap/red eye like it does for every other area I can think of where you can't summon/invade. Turns out i've wasted a lot of time in this area.
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time Empty Re: Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time

    Post by The Letter X Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:23 pm

    Well if they did then you wouldn't be able to get summoned by or invade someone who has lowered the water!

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    Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time Empty Re: Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time

    Post by WandererReece Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:25 pm

    Flankydizzle wrote:Oh ok thanks. Would be nice if the game could grey out the white soap/red eye like it does for every other area I can think of where you can't summon/invade. Turns out i've wasted a lot of time in this area.

    You can still be summoned and invade without lowering the water, but you can't summon or be invaded by someone else. That's why it isn't greyed out.

    Also it's impossible to summon someone in Demon Ruins past Ceaseless's area or in the Tomb of Giants without placing the Lord Vessel.

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    Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time Empty Re: Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time

    Post by Flankydizzle Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:28 pm

    Ok thanks for the explanation dudes but goddamn!.....

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    Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time Empty Re: Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time

    Post by WandererReece Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:33 pm

    ^ The Rule of Thumb is: If there is no boss you can fight in the area, then you can't have any phantoms in that area.

    Ex. You can't fight the 4 Kings if you didn't drain the water, so you can't have phantoms with you until you drain the water. You can't have phantoms in Ash Lake because there isn't even a boss in Ash Lake.

    Honestly, I think the Hydra in Ash Lake should be considered boss. That would be nice. 8)

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    Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time Empty Re: Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time

    Post by Flankydizzle Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:04 pm

    Yeah makes sense, cheers.

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    Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time Empty Re: Areas where summoning doesn't work most the time

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