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Hatsune Miku
The Letter X
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    I am taking a leave for a while


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    I am taking a leave for a while Empty I am taking a leave for a while

    Post by tinypantha Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:13 pm

    Due to some recent events in my life I don't feel I should continue to post on this forum for a little (maybe a couple weeks up to a month) because I feel that I will quickly have ruined my reputation.
    Story behind this leave:
    Recently I have been depressed and I have wanted to nothing but sit and think. With my thinking I normally find more and more negative things about my self which then lead to more thinking and a faster fall. I do however find enjoyment in close-friends but those have been a let down recently. To make matters worse my household has gotten more tense recently and more arguements have risen that all normally have me as the center of attention and me being put down.

    Anyways I have probably bored you or made myself sound like someone seeking Pity.
    I bid you Farewell for the moment.

    By the way: Far East Trainers is currently Up to The Letter X and I will make adjustments to the Original Post and etc as he requires

    Last edited by tinypantha on Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Duke's Archivist
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    I am taking a leave for a while Empty Re: I am taking a leave for a while

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:15 pm

    Just take care, man. Seems like you got some **** you need to handle right now.
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    I am taking a leave for a while Empty Re: I am taking a leave for a while

    Post by The Letter X Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:20 pm

    Good luck, Tiny. Keep your head up, and I hope that you can find peace in this time.
    Hatsune Miku
    Hatsune Miku
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    I am taking a leave for a while Empty Re: I am taking a leave for a while

    Post by Hatsune Miku Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:55 pm

    tinypantha wrote:Due to some recent events in my life I don't feel I should continue to post on this forum for a little (maybe a couple weeks up to a month) because I feel that I will quickly have ruined my reputation.
    Story behind this leave:
    Recently I have been depressed and I have wanted to nothing but sit and think. With my thinking I normally find more and more negative things about my self which then lead to more thinking and a faster fall. I do however find enjoyment in close-friends but those have been a let down recently. To make matters worse my household has gotten more tense recently and more arguements have risen that all normally have me as the center of attention and me being put down.

    Anyways I have probably bored you or made myself sound like someone seeking Pity.
    I bid you Farewell for the moment.

    By the way: Far East Trainers is currently Up to The Letter X and I will make adjustments to the Original Post and etc as he requires
    Later Momiji. I hope things take a turn for the better.
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    I am taking a leave for a while Empty Re: I am taking a leave for a while

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:18 pm

    Sorry to hear that. Know you're always welcome here
    Chosen Undead
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    I am taking a leave for a while Empty Re: I am taking a leave for a while

    Post by GrinTwist Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:26 pm

    If you really feel the need to take a break it's understandable.

    I hope everything goes better for ya.
    Zeta Prime
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    I am taking a leave for a while Empty Re: I am taking a leave for a while

    Post by Zeta Prime Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:59 am

    Cheers bro i know how ya feel we all got **** goin on at some point
    Mr. Tart
    Mr. Tart
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    I am taking a leave for a while Empty Re: I am taking a leave for a while

    Post by Mr. Tart Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:19 am

    tinypantha wrote:Due to some recent events in my life I don't feel I should continue to post on this forum for a little (maybe a couple weeks up to a month) because I feel that I will quickly have ruined my reputation.
    Story behind this leave:
    Recently I have been depressed and I have wanted to nothing but sit and think. With my thinking I normally find more and more negative things about my self which then lead to more thinking and a faster fall. I do however find enjoyment in close-friends but those have been a let down recently. To make matters worse my household has gotten more tense recently and more arguements have risen that all normally have me as the center of attention and me being put down.

    Anyways I have probably bored you or made myself sound like someone seeking Pity.
    I bid you Farewell for the moment.

    By the way: Far East Trainers is currently Up to The Letter X and I will make adjustments to the Original Post and etc as he requires

    You have me on xbl. If you need to talk, just send me a message. Take care.

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    I am taking a leave for a while Empty Re: I am taking a leave for a while

    Post by tinypantha Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:22 pm

    :l too difficult not to background the Forums, I am back only after a week....
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    I am taking a leave for a while Empty Re: I am taking a leave for a while

    Post by Serious_Much Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:29 pm

    Good lad.

    Go hit the let it out thread when you want some friendly ears to chat to. What you got going on I'm pretty sure happens to everyone some time.

    I still have my parents having a go at me for not working hard enough when I've got into Med school and passed my first set of exams without much effort.. I feel that alll parents just push sometimes, you just have to know the difference between when they're being stupid and when it should sink in.

    BTW, i think everyone gets a feeling that there's just things wrong with them. Insecurity is inescapable, you just gotta realise that everyone has their own merits, and they'll always outweigh the bad.

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