by densetsushun Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:38 am
We are a covenant and brotherhood dedicated to worshipping Gwyn's mighty Sunlight Beard. Wherever we go, we shall discuss his Beardliness and spread His facial hair. Whether white phantoms, Spirits of Vengeance or Dark Spirits, we shall make sure whoever we meet knows about His Mighty Beard.
- Lore:
Coming soon.
- Members List:
The Beard of Sunlight - Lord Gwyn (Permanent position, none may take it)
The Bearded Bishops
Apostles of the Stache
- RenegadeCop
- sure-magicians
If one wishes to join this sacred brotherhood, simply
send me a message with your devotion to the Beard and edit your signature to include a similar devotion. adorn your signature with a devotion to the Almighty Beard, and we shall accept you as a brother or sister.
Last edited by densetsushun on Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:03 am; edited 5 times in total