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    How they should fix dark magic

    Moderator Trainee
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    How they should fix dark magic - Page 2 Empty Re: How they should fix dark magic

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:27 pm

    fair enough, I'm actually okay at using the wiki now.. Hopefully I can help with some more important parts in DkS2 (if i get it obv), than just changing a number that makes little difference silly
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    How they should fix dark magic - Page 2 Empty Re: How they should fix dark magic

    Post by Rynn Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:36 pm

    Dark Orb is too large for someone to just "walk under it", this isn't a soul spear. It's also too large for someone to just walk around it while you cast. Someone an't back-stab you during Dark Orb unless they roll-stab or get to your back before you finish casting.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    How they should fix dark magic - Page 2 Empty Re: How they should fix dark magic

    Post by Dibsville Sun Mar 17, 2013 10:19 pm

    Thank you for changing it to 7 orbs.
    Rynn wrote:Dark Orb is too large for someone to just "walk under it", this isn't a soul spear. It's also too large for someone to just walk around it while you cast. Someone an't back-stab you during Dark Orb unless they roll-stab or get to your back before you finish casting.
    I've had many people walk right under my Orb, but that may be from lag. I'll test on that too when I get to it.

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    How they should fix dark magic - Page 2 Empty Re: How they should fix dark magic

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