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    How did you find the Darkwraiths


    How did you find the Darkwraiths

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    How did you find the Darkwraiths I_vote_lcap16%How did you find the Darkwraiths I_vote_rcap [16%] 
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    How did you find the Darkwraiths I_vote_lcap63%How did you find the Darkwraiths I_vote_rcap [63%] 
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    How did you find the Darkwraiths I_vote_lcap11%How did you find the Darkwraiths I_vote_rcap [11%] 
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    How did you find the Darkwraiths I_vote_lcap5%How did you find the Darkwraiths I_vote_rcap [5%] 
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    How did you find the Darkwraiths I_vote_lcap5%How did you find the Darkwraiths I_vote_rcap [5%] 

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    How did you find the Darkwraiths Empty How did you find the Darkwraiths

    Post by WandererReece Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:27 pm

    How did you find the Darkwraith Covenent?

    In case you don't know, it's in the Abyss. You have to kill the 4 Kings without giving the Lordvessal to Frampt.

    I found it on the internet. I was knew and didn't know about the Abyss or Kaathe when I got the Lordvessal. I gave the Lordvessal to Frampt when he told me too, because I thought he was the only option. Later I was having trouble with the 4 kings. I looked them up on the internet and found the covenent. Unfortunatly I could no longer join.

    How did you find the Darkwraiths 1697547848
    hey its andres
    hey its andres

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    How did you find the Darkwraiths Empty Re: How did you find the Darkwraiths

    Post by hey its andres Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:56 pm

    I found it on the internet, but to an extent. How it worked and the conditions to join (as long as you haven't placed lordvessel your fine) I discovered myself. I think a harder to find, and understand the workings of, covenant is GL. Even now I've invaded 5 GL in total. They're a rare bread.

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    How did you find the Darkwraiths Empty Re: How did you find the Darkwraiths

    Post by Djem Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:35 pm

    Respect to the single voter who found it by himself.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    How did you find the Darkwraiths Empty Re: How did you find the Darkwraiths

    Post by User1 Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:11 pm

    I found it by accident on my first playthrough. I had no idea how the Lordvessel delivery worked, but I went to New Londo, out of curiosity of what was down there. After draining the water, I continued on, finding a staircase stopping mid-way. It looked like a pitch black hole to me. I thought of it as an Abyss, a dark, everlasting descent. Then I remembered the Covenant of Artorias, which mentioned traversing the Abyss. I put it on, and jumped down. Surprise, the 4 kings appear. After many tries, I defeat them, and find a serpent's head just appeared. I go up to it, and it starts talking to me. I follow it's dialogue, and I decided to side with it, as it promised to explain what to do next. I then talked to it again, and a Join Covenant option comes up. I think, "Why not?" and join. 15g for me. And a feeling of greatness, for a few minutes.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    How did you find the Darkwraiths Empty Re: How did you find the Darkwraiths

    Post by GrinTwist Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:32 pm

    I think I found the covenant on my second playthrough. I wanted to explore some more with the warp feature and went running around, I had already done everything I could do in the Tomb and New Londo and when I was running around New Londo I realized there wasn't a gold fog gate as I was getting closer to the Four Kings. I kept getting closer and closer until I got to the fog gate and when I found out it wasn't barred by the Lordvessel I went in got killed and figured that if I beat them then I might get something cool. After a couple of attempts I was able to kill them and Kaathe popped up and I **** bricks.

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