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    A ganker attempt?


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    A ganker attempt? Empty A ganker attempt?

    Post by MsCherryBlossom Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:03 am

    Was doing my usual phantom helping in Undead Burg pushing my humanity number to 70. Then I get summoned again, when I arrive I see they already have a phantom with them. The I see them using an item, it looked like that eye stone or whatever. I couldn't really tell, and what made me laugh was that the other phantom then shrugged at me as if they were like "WTF is he doing" as well. The host ran off somewhere I didn't feel like following, and he was obviously not trying to progress in the level. So I ran atop the platform where those enemies throws down firebombs on the bridge, and the other phantom followed. A couple minutes later we get the invasion notice and the host is standing near where the invader would most likely spawn. To the hosts demise the invader was in a full Smoough armor set and knocked the host out in one hit. But the super funny part was the cheer emote the other phantom did right before we went back to our own worlds.

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    A ganker attempt? Empty Re: A ganker attempt?

    Post by ryhemoth Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:06 am

    MsCherryBlossom wrote: But the super funny part was the cheer emote the other phantom did right before we went back to our own worlds.

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    A ganker attempt? Empty Re: A ganker attempt?

    Post by ryhemoth Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:09 am

    MsCherryBlossom wrote: Then I see them using an item, it looked like that eye stone or whatever. I couldn't really tell, and what made me laugh was that the other phantom then shrugged at me as if they were like "WTF is he doing" as well.
    it was most likely the dried finger, it resets all invasion timers so that the host may get invaded more frequently.. that or the black seperation crystal

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    A ganker attempt? Empty Re: A ganker attempt?

    Post by MsCherryBlossom Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:12 am

    I figured it was one of those items, I just knew since he wasn't trying to progress he was clearly looking to get invaded. I don't like invaders but at the same time I wont take part in ganging up on one unless we already are progressing in the level and are slowed down by one.

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    A ganker attempt? Empty Re: A ganker attempt?

    Post by ryhemoth Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:16 am

    MsCherryBlossom wrote: I don't like invaders but at the same time I wont take part in ganging up on one unless we already are progressing in the level and are slowed down by one.
    Right? i hate gankers -_- lol

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    A ganker attempt? Empty Re: A ganker attempt?

    Post by MsCherryBlossom Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:20 am

    In defense to that though, if its just me alone and im invaded then I really don't care much for the whole "play with honor" thing. Im killing you as fast as I can, if you're fully summoned or not. My world, my rules I say lol.. But when it's a 3 on 1 then at least let the guy get in the game.

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    A ganker attempt? Empty Re: A ganker attempt?

    Post by ryhemoth Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:25 am

    Well yeah, ill take out an invader with a stagger chain any day, but i refuse to just sit there with 2 other phantoms waiting for the next unlucky guy/ summon someone through red soapstone.. you know? Ill atleast have some dignity XD

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