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    how long does it usually take for an admin to approve membership?


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    how long does it usually take for an admin to approve membership? Empty how long does it usually take for an admin to approve membership?

    Post by DarkThief20 Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:12 pm

    i'm just wondering because i'd like to make a cov. just for fun lol
    and i dont know if membership costs or anything so just asking
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    how long does it usually take for an admin to approve membership? Empty Re: how long does it usually take for an admin to approve membership?

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:24 pm

    you're a member right now.

    The whole site is free, go make your cov happy

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    how long does it usually take for an admin to approve membership? Empty Re: how long does it usually take for an admin to approve membership?

    Post by DarkThief20 Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:32 pm

    on the main wiki?
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    how long does it usually take for an admin to approve membership? Empty Re: how long does it usually take for an admin to approve membership?

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:34 pm

    We don't really use the wiki for user covs mainly, there's a section on this forum that we use- make a thread and get going happy

    I don't really know.. I think they'll probably give you membership in a day or two at most. It's not used much any more but I'm sure you'll be approved soon enough- especially if they're reading this!

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    how long does it usually take for an admin to approve membership? Empty Re: how long does it usually take for an admin to approve membership?

    Post by DarkThief20 Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:36 pm

    well me and a group of friends do alot of pvp and i suggested making a cov and they all agreed so we are thinking of a name now i just want ppl to have the fun i do on this game doing pvp and nonpvp we want to help anyone that needs it

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    how long does it usually take for an admin to approve membership? Empty Re: how long does it usually take for an admin to approve membership?

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