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Soris Ice Goldwing
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    Why was Gough imprisoned?


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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by ResIsBestStat Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:36 pm

    In the new DLC the lore focuses more on Oolacile and most of Gwyn's knights, we see Artorias, Ciaran and GOUGH!
    Gough is a completely optional NPC to interect with like Ciaran, however his door his locked and to open it you must go all the way to the Abyss.
    After unlocking the door you find him grinding carvings, he also knows that you killed Artorias and thanks you.
    However, if you read carefully the description of the carvings...

    Head carved of archtrees by gough in his
    imprisonment. Gough imparts an emotion to
    each and every completed carving, which
    helps him achieve personal enlightenment.
    When a head is disturbed, it speaks,
    reflecting the emotion conferred to it.

    As you can see Gough didn't just lock the door and lose the key, he was imprisoned, but by who? And for what purpose?
    Also as you can see, Gough carves carvings to achieve personal enlightenment, we don't know what that is but maybe that's one of the causes that caused Gough to be imprisoned, this might also have to do with Gough's retirement, but I don't really know....

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by User1 Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:50 pm

    I have no idea.. I might have, though.
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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:52 pm

    Artorias maybe? It seems like Artorias went out of his way to save his friends (namely Sif) before he himself was overtaken.

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by CakeThiefPro Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:55 pm

    Haven't researched this properly but maybe he was imprisoned by Artorias to protect him from the spread of the abyss or from Artorias himself.

    Maybe Ciran locked him up to stop him killing Artorias as she couldn't bare to see him die.

    In his dialogue he says "I would have much to talk about with that old chap" implying he hasn't returned to Anor Londo in a long time. The inhabitants of Oolacile could have locked him away in fear due to him being a giant and all other giants having a reputation for a lack of intelligence and possessing incredible strength compared to humans. He has therefore been sitting in that cell for a long time before the abyss was even released perhaps despite being a knight of Gwyns.

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:58 pm

    My best guess is that it was Artorias' final act of kindness and to keep Gough safe from his rampage. Gough is not in his prime anymore when we find him so Artorias locked him up to protect him.

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by ResIsBestStat Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:01 pm

    I personally think Gough was imprisoned when the Abyss was first released, if you talk to him he will says that the people of Oolacile were fools and that seduced or not seduced by the serpent, it was their fault since they angered the creature.
    Also the Ciaran locking Gough might be what happened, but personally I think Artorias did it cuz Artorias had some cut dialogue before DLC was released, this dialogue made him more human and he had some control over himself.

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by EarthScraper Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:31 pm

    I think he was imprisoned by the Oolacile people. His helmet says;
    Helm of Hawkeye Gough,
    one of Gwyn's Four Knights.
    Received as a decoration of knightly honor.

    A helm crafted especially for the honorable Hawkeye Gough,
    only the eye holes were packed with tree resin
    by those who dismissed Gough as a brutish giant.

    So yeah, they imprisoned him afterwards. I think so anyway.
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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by GrinTwist Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:43 pm

    Is it possible that Gough seems like he is imprisoned but can escape kind of easily?

    Think of it this way, Gough still is a giant who may still be able to get down and out of the tower if he actually tried, but instead he sits there carving waiting for enlightenment.

    I think of it in the same way the Buddha sat down at a tree a meditated for three days before enlightenment, I think that's what Gough is trying to do. He could be a lost soul that is trying to reach spiritual enlightenment due the lack of presence of Gwyn and the growing presence of the Abyss. It's because of the lack of Gwyn as a leader that Gough ends up carving in his "prison" rather than helping Artorias.

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by GhosTAnoynmouS Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:29 pm

    i believe he was trapped by the people of Oolacile as well, mostly for his helmets description. i believe they locked him away in fear, maybe simply of him being a giant or maybe they somewhat blamed the knights for the spread of the abyss, i don't think Ciaran locked him up in order to stop him from killing Artorias because she doesn't really seem all that upset you killed him and is quite civil with you, and i don't think it was Artorias either seeing how i think Artorias would be aware of the fact that he would very easily still be able to reach Gough in his "prison" and also realize he would be able to escape if he wanted to Although there is one EXTREMELY big hint pointing towards it being Artorias Look Skyward and that is that the key is found in the abyss and whoever locked him there would have to have also been in the abyss so that is one huge thing against my own theory and makes me think it may have been Artorias. however im still new to this series and may be completely wrong here just expressing my ever-evolving theories. Bow

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by homelessguy Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:35 pm

    I think humans be hating on giants and as gough is one of the smarter and popular giants they put resin in his helm knowing he never take It of as it a symbol of his pride friendship and efforts so he wakes up not seeing anything but does not move as he did not want to hurt anything or anyone so he sat while the humans built tower around him that or he was looking for a better angle to shoot kalameet got there and some person locked him there for lolz

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:40 pm

    It's no secret that humans were at the bottom of the food chain in the social world. Giants would obviously see humans as pests, as gough states if you attack him. So humans would easily be able to hate giants, and when things started to go to **** in Oolacile they needed something to blame, "sure let's just pick a giant beast who has been blinded!".

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by Reaperfan Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:49 pm

    I thought it was self-imprisonment. Through his dialogue he obviously has an air of defeat about him, and seems like he would rather be making carvings now than fighting any more. Seems to me he would've locked himself up there to guarantee his isolation from any continued conflict.

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by homelessguy Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:08 pm

    an apple hit my head just now the land gough is imprisoned is a human land which is were dark root garden is now.

    now think what do we find in dark root garden THE BLACK BOW OF PHARIS is what we find which tells us about a hero who archer skills was on par with gough with or with out his ring we don't know but assume it without his ring . now what made pharis a hero he was likely from oolacile or lived there as we find his bow and hat  there in the forest hunter area 

    humans hated giants and giants hate humans so what if pharis duelled gough and gough being blinded by humans lost the duel as gough lost he had to let the humans build a tower  around him  and stay there

    if right it proves why phrais is human hero ,why gough sounds like he lost something important, a reason for his helm making him blind, how we know pharis was on par with gough and why we find his bow in dark root (maybe died to the abyss)

    Last edited by homelessguy on Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:05 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by Thxodore Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:48 pm

    Your speculation is getting better, homeless happy

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by CakeThiefPro Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:14 pm

    homelessguy wrote:an apple hit my head just now the land gough is imprisoned is a human land which is were dark root garden is now.

    now think what do we find in dark root garden THE BLACK BOW OF PHARIS is what we find which tells us about a hero who archer skills was on par with gough with or with out his ring we don't know but assume it without his ring . now what made pharis a hero he was likely from oolacile or lived there as we find his bow and hat  there in the forest hunter area 

    humans hated giants and giants hate humans so what if pharis duelled gough and gough being blinded by humans lost the duel as gough lost he had to let the humans build a tower  around him tower and stay there

    if right it proves why phrais is human hero ,why gough sounds like he lost something important, why the humans would blind him, how we know pharis was on par with gough and why we find his bow in dark root (maybe died to the abyss)
    Genius O.O I guess we can't find the bow in the past because it would stop it being in the future but they can't predict that and it would be an even worse flaw than Alvina not recognising us (which isn't a massive flaw but meh). Or they just fled Oolacile before it got really bad and decided to return afterwards (they being Pharis or his daughter or someone else entirely).
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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by Reaperfan Thu Sep 05, 2013 6:14 pm

    homelessguy wrote:gough and gough being blinded by humans lost the duel as gough lost he had to let the humans build a tower  around him tower and stay there
    Gough's Helm

    In-game Description

    "Helm of Hawkeye Gough,
    one of Gwyn's Four Knights.
    Received as a decoration of knightly honor.

    A helm crafted especially for the honorable Hawkeye Gough,
    only the eye holes were packed with tree resin
    by those who dismissed Gough as a brutish giant."

    Gough wasn't blinded in battle or really by anyone. He was "blind" because the eye-holes of his helmet were blocked out by others in Gwyn's army who though his being a Giant made him undeserving of the spot of one of the Four Knights.

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by homelessguy Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:00 am

    Reaperfan wrote:
    homelessguy wrote:gough and gough being blinded by humans lost the duel as gough lost he had to let the humans build a tower  around him tower and stay there
    Gough's Helm

    In-game Description

    "Helm of Hawkeye Gough,
    one of Gwyn's Four Knights.
    Received as a decoration of knightly honor.

    A helm crafted especially for the honorable Hawkeye Gough,
    only the eye holes were packed with tree resin
    by those who dismissed Gough as a brutish giant."

    Gough wasn't blinded in battle or really by anyone.  He was "blind" because the eye-holes of his helmet were blocked out by others in Gwyn's army who though his being a Giant made him undeserving of the spot of one of the Four Knights.
    we can assume that Hawkeye gough was not blind during dragon wars  and he must have found his way to oolacile so not blind before then. it does not say when he was blinded by resin could have been years ago or maybe just a few weeks before the chosen undead.Is there not humans in Gwyn army such as princess guard and way of white cleric knights who as human would still think he a brutish giant. who knows maybe one night while he sleeping or resting from hunting kalameet humans may have put the resin in his eyes

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by Thxodore Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:16 pm

    Gough seems indifferent to his imprisonment, doesn't he? It feels like he's tired of all the fighting and just wants to carve wood.
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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by Reaperfan Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:38 pm

    homelessguy wrote:we can assume that Hawkeye gough was not blind during dragon wars
    How? There's just as much indication for him having always been blind as there is for it to be a recent development.

    homelessguy wrote:and he must have found his way to oolacile so not blind before then. it does not say when he was blinded by resin could have been years ago or maybe just a few weeks before the chosen undead.Is there not humans in Gwyn army such as princess guard and way of white cleric knights who as human would still think he a brutish giant. who knows maybe one night while he sleeping or resting from hunting kalameet humans may have put the resin in his eyes
    Princess Guard and Way of White are not part of Gwyn's army.

    Princess Guard was created by Gwyndolin as a way to further disillusion potential chosen undead into believing Gwynevere was real and to prevent people from attempting to kill her, breaking the illusion.

    The Way of White serves under Allfather Lloyd, not Gwyn. While their goals were similar and it's been known that WoW members fought alongside Gwyn's army, there have been no details that directly connect the two as being the same entity.

    If humans really hated Gough so much and they caught him while he was sleeping, why didn't they just kill him? Seems more efficient for them than letting him live, even with a disability.

    Gough would not be hunting Kalameet. Gough himself says that Kalameet is a dragon so fierce that the entirety of Gwyn's army deemed it the best course of action to try and avoid Kalameet rather than confront him. The only reason he takes the shot that grounds Kalameet for you is because he's impressed with the player's gusto in the face of a challenge, not because he was after Kalameet.

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by homelessguy Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:13 pm

    Reaperfan wrote:
    homelessguy wrote:we can assume that Hawkeye gough was not blind during dragon wars
    How?  There's just as much indication for him having always been blind as there is for it to be a recent development.

    homelessguy wrote:and he must have found his way to oolacile so not blind before then. it does not say when he was blinded by resin could have been years ago or maybe just a few weeks before the chosen undead.Is there not humans in Gwyn army such as princess guard and way of white cleric knights who as human would still think he a brutish giant. who knows maybe one night while he sleeping or resting from hunting kalameet humans may have put the resin in his eyes
    Princess Guard and Way of White are not part of Gwyn's army.

    Princess Guard was created by Gwyndolin as a way to further disillusion potential chosen undead into believing Gwynevere was real and to prevent people from attempting to kill her, breaking the illusion.

    The Way of White serves under Allfather Lloyd, not Gwyn.  While their goals were similar and it's been known that WoW members fought alongside Gwyn's army, there have been no details that directly connect the two as being the same entity.

    If humans really hated Gough so much and they caught him while he was sleeping, why didn't they just kill him?  Seems more efficient for them than letting him live, even with a disability.

    Gough would not be hunting Kalameet.  Gough himself says that Kalameet is a dragon so fierce that the entirety of Gwyn's army deemed it the best course of action to try and avoid Kalameet rather than confront him.  The only reason he takes the shot that grounds Kalameet for you is because he's impressed with the player's gusto in the face of a challenge, not because he was after Kalameet.
    Gwyn gave his 4 most trusted knights the souls rings and armour they were now after the dragon wars so he never got his helm before age of fire
    no info on gywndolin making princess guard and there is cleric in forest who was likely ex princess guard
    as for way of white yes it under all father Lloyds control but I'm sure if gywn needed or wanted control he would have control of way of white
    I just consider the forces of gywn family ultimately under gywn control during the golden age of fire

    as for human killing gough it would end bad for humans in many ways it kind of be like when Serbia killed Austria archduke and kind of started ww1 but no one going to help Serbia (the humans of dark souls) in this case giants already hating on humans if they killed a well know giant and leader of great archer humans be invaded and turned into slaves much better for them to blind him and pharis win a duel with him humiliating the giant hero also what person who not undead got the balls to try and fight gough sleeping or not with basic  chain armour and longsword 

    as for kalameet I claim that line is BS gough not in his prime and blinded sniped him and for lore purpose Ornstein could likely beat him in a long fight due to the fact he slain 72 dragons already (silver knight set chest room ) considering gywn legions killed 100s of everlasting dragons (kalameet not everlasting I think and ever dragons were top of dragon food chain were they not)I think gough talking s*** on that line

    giants treat humans like humans treat ants with little respect thinking they weak useless defenceless animals if a human archer out skilled one of the most powerful and legendary giant archer it give humans bragging rights
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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by Reaperfan Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:52 pm

    homelessguy wrote:Gwyn gave his 4 most trusted knights the souls rings and armour they were now after the dragon wars so he never got his helm before age of fire
    no info on gywndolin making princess guard and there is cleric in forest who was likely ex princess guard
    as for way of white yes it under all father Lloyds control but I'm sure if gywn needed or wanted control he would have control of way of white
    I just consider the forces of gywn family ultimately under gywn control during the golden age of fire

    as for human killing gough it would end bad for humans in many ways it kind of be like when Serbia killed Austria archduke and kind of started ww1 but no one going to help Serbia (the humans of dark souls) in this case giants already hating on humans if they killed a well know giant and leader of great archer humans be invaded and turned into slaves much better for them to blind him and pharis win a duel with him humiliating the giant hero also what person who not undead got the balls to try and fight gough sleeping or not with basic  chain armour and longsword 

    as for kalameet I claim that line is BS gough not in his prime and blinded sniped him and for lore purpose Ornstein could likely beat him in a long fight due to the fact he slain 72 dragons already (silver knight set chest room ) considering gywn legions killed 100s of everlasting dragons (kalameet not everlasting I think and ever dragons were top of dragon food chain were they not)I think gough talking s*** on that line

    giants treat humans like humans treat ants with little respect thinking they weak useless defenceless animals if a human archer out skilled one of the most powerful and legendary giant archer it give humans bragging rights
    First off, try punctuation some time.  This post was incredibly hard to read, and I'll only be able to respond to the parts I could understand.

    You're right, I made a mistake on the Princess Guard.  It's never outright stated the Gwyndolin leads them.  However, we never meet the real Gwynevere and are signed into the covenant by and for the illusion of Gwynevere created by Gwyndolin.  Seeing as how Gwyndolin wouldn't want anyone breaking the illusion of Gwynevere and exposing his scheme in manipulating undead into linking the fire, it makes sense he would want people protecting this illusion and preventing it from being destroyed, no?

    What makes you think Allfather Lloyd was weaker than Gwyn and that Gwyn could just do whatever he wanted with Lloyd's subjects?

    I don't understand your paragraph about WW1 comparisons.  At all.

    For the line about Kalameet, I refer you to 4:45 in this video.  In case you can't see videos right now, Gough's exact words are:

    "He is called Kalameet.  A ferocious dragon indeed, even mighty Anor Londo dared not provoke his ire."

    That second sentence is key.  "Even mighty Anor Londo dared not provoke his ire," when translated to less ye olde engles speak basically means "even the residents of Anor Londo didn't want to try and fight Kalameet."  Gough's words.  Not mine.

    And lastly, what is there to indicate Giants indiscriminately hated humans?  There are only 3 Giants you regularly interact with throughout the game (the bomb-thrower on top of Sen's Fortress, the Giant Blacksmith, and Gough), and only one of them is outright hostile.  The other two are some of the most friendly and gentle characters in the game, even towards the human protagonist.  So again, what makes you think Giants hated and looked down on humans?

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by homelessguy Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:45 am

    Reaperfan wrote:
    homelessguy wrote:Gwyn gave his 4 most trusted knights the souls rings and armour they were now after the dragon wars so he never got his helm before age of fire
    no info on gywndolin making princess guard and there is cleric in forest who was likely ex princess guard
    as for way of white yes it under all father Lloyds control but I'm sure if gywn needed or wanted control he would have control of way of white
    I just consider the forces of gywn family ultimately under gywn control during the golden age of fire

    as for human killing gough it would end bad for humans in many ways it kind of be like when Serbia killed Austria archduke and kind of started ww1 but no one going to help Serbia (the humans of dark souls) in this case giants already hating on humans if they killed a well know giant and leader of great archer humans be invaded and turned into slaves much better for them to blind him and pharis win a duel with him humiliating the giant hero also what person who not undead got the balls to try and fight gough sleeping or not with basic  chain armour and longsword 

    as for kalameet I claim that line is BS gough not in his prime and blinded sniped him and for lore purpose Ornstein could likely beat him in a long fight due to the fact he slain 72 dragons already (silver knight set chest room ) considering gywn legions killed 100s of everlasting dragons (kalameet not everlasting I think and ever dragons were top of dragon food chain were they not)I think gough talking s*** on that line

    giants treat humans like humans treat ants with little respect thinking they weak useless defenceless animals if a human archer out skilled one of the most powerful and legendary giant archer it give humans bragging rights
    First off, try punctuation some time.  This post was incredibly hard to read, and I'll only be able to respond to the parts I could understand.

    You're right, I made a mistake on the Princess Guard.  It's never outright stated the Gwyndolin leads them.  However, we never meet the real Gwynevere and are signed into the covenant by and for the illusion of Gwynevere created by Gwyndolin.  Seeing as how Gwyndolin wouldn't want anyone breaking the illusion of Gwynevere and exposing his scheme in manipulating undead into linking the fire, it makes sense he would want people protecting this illusion and preventing it from being destroyed, no?

    What makes you think Allfather Lloyd was weaker than Gwyn and that Gwyn could just do whatever he wanted with Lloyd's subjects?

    I don't understand your paragraph about WW1 comparisons.  At all.

    For the line about Kalameet, I refer you to 4:45 in this video.  In case you can't see videos right now, Gough's exact words are:

    "He is called Kalameet.  A ferocious dragon indeed, even mighty Anor Londo dared not provoke his ire."

    That second sentence is key.  "Even mighty Anor Londo dared not provoke his ire," when translated to less ye olde engles speak basically means "even the residents of Anor Londo didn't want to try and fight Kalameet."  Gough's words.  Not mine.

    And lastly, what is there to indicate Giants indiscriminately hated humans?  There are only 3 Giants you regularly interact with throughout the game (the bomb-thrower on top of Sen's Fortress, the Giant Blacksmith, and Gough), and only one of them is outright hostile.  The other two are some of the most friendly and gentle characters in the game, even towards the human protagonist.  So again, what makes you think Giants hated and looked down on humans?
    very very sorry English not my 1st language

    I never meant all father Lloyd being weaker than Gwyn I meaning seeing as he gywns uncle he would do what ever Gwyn asked of him on most matters

    yes gough says it I just don't agree with him as most of the dragons were wiped out and I sure there were some as strong as kalameet.  if Gwyn/anor londo wanted kalameet dead he most likely would be. 
    in anor londo there is a picture of giant and fire in the background with humans running away but besides that it just the forum's that I read saying giants hate humans and humans hate giants.

    there is also 3 bomb giants in sens and is smough counted as a giant or same race as Ornstein

    the giant blacksmith lives alone and you the only one who come talk to him it could have been years since the last person said anything to him. he could be very depressed by the time we meet him just we cant tell. he just happy he got someone to talk (still think he a bro)

    ww1 comparison was Serbia murdered high ranking Austrian so Austria invaded Serbia. u implied that humans should have just killed him if they found him sleeping I saying the outcome for oolacile would be same as Serbia
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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by Reaperfan Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:51 pm

    homelessguy wrote:very very sorry English not my 1st language
    I figured as much with the way you type.  The spaces in this last post help alot in understanding things though happy

    homelessguy wrote:I never meant all father Lloyd being weaker than Gwyn I meaning seeing as he gywns uncle he would do what ever Gwyn asked of him on most matters
    To me, his status as "uncle" actually implies superiority with Gwyn if you ask me.  If Lloyd were meant to be someone who Gwyn could just order around it seems to me he would have been labeled as a brother or cousin.  To me, the fact that Lloyd is still around and that he predates Gwyn shows that he was just as, if not more powerful, than Gwyn himself.

    homelessguy wrote:yes gough says it I just don't agree with him as most of the dragons were wiped out and I sure there were some as strong as kalameet.  if Gwyn/anor londo wanted kalameet dead he most likely would be. 
    in anor londo there is a picture of giant and fire in the background with humans running away but besides that it just the forum's that I read saying giants hate humans and humans hate giants.
    I prefer to take what is said in-game as truth over speculation.  No matter my personal perception of how powerful Gough is, Gough's dialogue in-game holds more weight than my personal interpretation on the matter because his dialogue is what the game developers (aka the people who wrote the story) wanted it to be.  We get very little explicitly told to us about Dark Souls's story, so when the developers consider something important enough to tell us outright, I take that as the truth before whatever my mind came up with.

    homelessguy wrote:there is also 3 bomb giants in sens and is smough counted as a giant or same race as Ornstein
    But there's only 1 bomb giant most players ever face without going out of their way.  Without any advancement from the players, the other ones seem just happy ignoring you and going about their regular rock-dropping or gate-lifting duties.

    We don't explicitly see what Smough is because of all the armor, but I think it's safe to say that he was a Giant as well.  In which case, oops, guess I missed one confused 

    homelessguy wrote:the giant blacksmith lives alone and you the only one who come talk to him it could have been years since the last person said anything to him. he could be very depressed by the time we meet him just we cant tell. he just happy he got someone to talk (still think he a bro)
    If Giants indiscriminately hated humans, he would see you the same way as we see Hollow Soldiers.  Trying to talk to something like that wouldn't even register as a thought to you, so why would a few years of isolation change that?  The fact that he doesn't immediately start trying to beat into you shows that he has some understanding that humans aren't just ants to be squashed.

    homelessguy wrote:ww1 comparison was Serbia murdered high ranking Austrian so Austria invaded Serbia. u implied that humans should have just killed him if they found him sleeping I saying the outcome for oolacile would be same as Serbia
    I picked up on that.  I more meant that because of how clustered your words were I didn't understand what you were trying to get at by making that comparison.  How does that comparison relate to Gough being blind?

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by Thxodore Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:08 pm

    Allfather Lloyd might be the Big Daddi-o thats pulling all the strings here, you think?

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    Why was Gough imprisoned? Empty Re: Why was Gough imprisoned?

    Post by Acarnatia Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:15 pm

    Well, so Kaathe says. (to some degree) I think Lloyd is mainly pulling the strings behind the Way of White and had little to do with Gough being blinded.

    I have a question that relates to this: are there members of other humanoid races in the Gods legions besides humans and giants? For example, Artorias and Ornstein certainly seem to not be human, and Ciaran's dialogue suggest as much. Are they a smaller form of giant, then? Or are they another race entirely of a size intermediate between giant and human? This raises questions of racism,which may relate to who and why Gough was blinded. Myself, I think it was the Oolacilians, though.

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