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    Bosses glitching, have 5x more health.


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    Bosses glitching, have 5x more health. Empty Bosses glitching, have 5x more health.

    Post by shayanzas Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:53 am

    It's as the title says.
    I've been playing Dark Souls, and made a new character.
    So, I'm on my first play through, Now i was trying to fight
    4 kings, but i found it weird, that 4 kings had a lot more health than normal. To be more specific, about 5400 per King, which i found odd, being that, I don't remember the fight being that long. Now this was another instance that it happened. I was helping my friend, fight Ornstein and Smough, We summoned Solaire, as it was just the two of us, and we went through the gate. Now for some reason, They both kept regenerating Their HP. So from right there, i thought, maybe, the bosses didn't activate properly. We kept trying to kill them, and eventually their HP did start to go down, after maybe 3000HP, And then after maybe 5000HP more, Ornstien died, we had to fight super smough, who had well over 15,000 HP. I just wanted to know, has this happened to anyone else? I haven't fought Seathe or Gravelord Nito, So it might glitch again. But if anyone knows the cause for this glitch, or if it has happened to them let me know. Btw this was on the Playstation 3 version of Dark souls.

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    Bosses glitching, have 5x more health. Empty Re: Bosses glitching, have 5x more health.

    Post by Zephryl Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:58 am

    I've heard they have extra HP if you use summons (I'm assuming it's even more if you use multiple summons), never known their HP enough to notice a difference myself, but the regenerative HP is definitely weird...

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    Bosses glitching, have 5x more health. Empty Re: Bosses glitching, have 5x more health.

    Post by shayanzas Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:07 am

    Yeah, That would make sense, But I've used summons before on the boss, and it never had, over 10k health, also for 4kings, i solo'd him.

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    Bosses glitching, have 5x more health. Empty Re: Bosses glitching, have 5x more health.

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:36 pm

    What platform?

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    Bosses glitching, have 5x more health. Empty Re: Bosses glitching, have 5x more health.

    Post by shayanzas Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:58 am

    the PS3 Version

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    Bosses glitching, have 5x more health. Empty Re: Bosses glitching, have 5x more health.

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