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    Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect


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    Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect Empty Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect

    Post by retro Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:50 am

    Combing through the textures, these are all of the icons I found:

    Here's the original texture sheet:

    The wiki currently states:

    A message with a rating of 0+ has a Undead Merchant avatar.
    A rating of 100+ will change to a Solaire of Astora avatar.
    A rating of 200+ will change to a Domhnall of Zena avatar.
    A rating of 300+ will change to a Darkmoon Knightess avatar.
    A rating of 400+ will change to a Princess Gwynevere avatar.
    A rating of 500+ will change to a Primordial Serpent avatar.
    The problem is that I can't find a Princess Gwynevere avatar. I'm guessing it doesn't exist? We may have to take another look at how many votes are needed to correspond with each avatar.

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    Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect Empty Re: Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect

    Post by Uparkaam Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:30 pm

    Now that I think about it, I've never seen it either.
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    Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect Empty Re: Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect

    Post by User1 Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:02 pm

    I have never seen one above Solaire. It was a 'Need Humanity' message. Look Skyward

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    Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect Empty Re: Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect

    Post by densetsushun Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:49 pm

    I often see a Primordial Serpent "Bonfire" message at Firelink Shrine and I saw a Domnhall the other day, at the position on the stairs below where Lautrec chills saying "Try Jumping". I lol'd
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    Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect Empty Re: Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect

    Post by ublug Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:21 pm

    I have also heard people say there's a Tarkus icon, I guess this is instead of gwynewere, but I can't remember seeing any of them in game. So if you are right the serpent is from 400 or the darkmoon knightess is from 300-500 (or domhnall is from 200-350)?

    I also want to add something (nitpicking) about the rating breakpoints. About 5 minutes ago I upvoted a message with a rating of exactly 200 and a solaire avatar. After my rating it was at 201 with a domhnall avatar. So it looks like the ranges are 0-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-???.

    I just found this image, which means that darkmoon knightess should start at 301:

    Last edited by ublug on Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect Empty Re: Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:32 pm

    For what it's worth, I'm 95% certain I've seen a Gwynevere message before.

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    Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect Empty Re: Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect

    Post by retro Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:49 pm

    ublug wrote:I have also heard people say there's a Tarkus icon, I guess this is instead of gwynewere, but I can't remember seeing any of them in game. So if you are right the serpent is from 400 or the darkmoon knightess is from 300-500 (or domhnall is from 200-350)?

    I also want to add something (nitpicking) about the rating breakpoints. About 5 minutes ago I upvoted a message with a rating of exactly 200 and a solaire avatar. After my rating it was at 201 with a domhnall avatar. So it looks like the ranges are 0-100, 101-200, 201-???.
    I'm confident people are just mistaking Solaire for Tarkus. Since it's a close-up of the head, confusing the helmets would be an easy mistake to make. Solaire is less iconic without being able to see more of him I guess. I thought it was Tarkus the first time I saw it because I didn't look at it very closely.

    Good to know about the ratings being 101+, and such. I also figured the first couple rankings are likely correct, and it's probably a question of where the breakpoints are for the last couple avatars. Thanks for the confirmation on Solaire -> Domhnall!

    Can't explain why some people think they may have seen Gwynevere. For now I'm assuming it's a false memory. Which would be very understandable because you don't see all the icons for the higher ranked messages every day. It's not something we're very familiar with.

    In some cases icons are spread across different 'texture sheets' (keys are found spread across two sheets), but I believe I have all of them (for the icon and menu images) and I can't find a Gwynevere icon.
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    Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect Empty Re: Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect

    Post by ublug Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:59 pm

    I just found this image, which means that darkmoon knightess should start at 301:

    I also found an old discussion on the subject, and it could be that gwynevere was brought in because of the assumption that the avatar changes at ever 100, and that frampt is 500+. The original wiki entry was: undead -> solaire -> darkmoon -> domhnall -> frampt (which was in wrong order).

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    Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect Empty Re: Listed avatars for Orange Guidance Soapstone icons may be incorrect

    Post by retro Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:24 pm

    Excellent! I can always rely on you to present important info and fill in the gaps of my knowledge. It's appreciated, as always!

    If it's confirmed that the Serpent only shows up at 501+ and not around 401 or 451, then that's basically all settled. happy

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