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    Server based multiplayer

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    Server based multiplayer Empty Server based multiplayer

    Post by Sentiel Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:19 am

    There has been many discussions if the Dark Souls II will/can/shall have server based online multiplayer, instead of the current P2P system of Dark Souls.

    I was always against this, because the experience from Demon's Souls led me to believe that we can't connect between regions, so I would no longer be able to play with my NA and Japanese friends.
    The reason being that connecting between servers in different regions would create lag, or delay that would make the games have inconsistent latency and will be pain to play. A fine example of this are games that were PAL/EU only, but included Australia.

    However, I was looking on DeS wiki for some information regarding online play and found this:

    There is no region locking for online play based on the region your account or the console are in. However, the three versions, the Asian, the Atlus North American and the Namco Bandai European release of the game use different servers. You can only connect for online play with individuals using the same version of the game as you.

    It seems the problem wasn't technical, on the side of the system, or the servers, but on the side of the publishers.

    Since the games are now released only by Namco Bandai, this problem should no longer be a concern and all regions should be able to play together.

    I just found out about this yesterday and it's quite big news for me, that allowed a big worry of mine regarding Dark Souls II to rest.
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    Server based multiplayer Empty Re: Server based multiplayer

    Post by Animaaal Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:43 pm

    I hope this to be true. I don't know of any source confirming nor denying this, but your reasoning seems to be solid.

    I hope you're right. :o
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    Server based multiplayer Empty Re: Server based multiplayer

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:52 pm

    I said this in another thread but Super Street Fighter 36 Ultramegarcadiest edition has a very similar online actually. You can play the story and, if you choose, allows others to challenge you just like invading. Now, what's the relevance? It's a multi region game that lets you play with anybody. But..... and this is key..... if you have connection issues there's a setting that allows you to prioritize regions. Best of all worlds. Honestly. The game sucked but I love the online setup

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