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    Possible new character stat


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    Possible new character stat Empty Possible new character stat

    Post by Pulleylube Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:17 pm

    Looking at the Dks2 Gameplay trailer and seeing the player character cycle through three weapons in both the left and right hands of the equipment slots got me thinking, maybe there is a new stat that affects the amount of items that are able to be equiped in the equpment slots? For insance say that this stat starts at 10 or 14 for starting classes, with either one slot for right and left or one for left and two for right. Then each slot unlocked after that would cost two more levels.

    Such as (Minimum) 10=2 (+4) 14=3 (+6) 20=4 (+8 ) 28=5 (+10) 38=6 (+12) 50=7

    This is only speculation but would fit into the mystery stat that some people have been talking about. I would appriciate any feedback into this speculation, being new to these forums I am not familiar with the community and would like to make a good impression to my fellow souls fans :o
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Possible new character stat Empty Re: Possible new character stat

    Post by Dibsville Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:20 pm

    I don't think it is a new stat, just simply more slots.
    The thing is, it would only ever be trained to 4 MAXIMUM. So it would pretty much be a useless skill. I only say 4 because at that point all those weapon slots are going to weigh you down. A lot.
    Even in Dark Souls, where you can only have 2 slots, people still have to find ways to not be over burdened.

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    Post by DE5PA1R Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:39 pm

    Weight is computed differently in Dark Souls 2. We see this in the gameplay reveal. The character rolled slower with a heavy weapon when compared to rolling with a light weapon.

    So additional weapons that weigh the character down may not be a concern.

    I've seen a similar idea (attunement for equipment) around the net and I think it's a good idea.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Possible new character stat Empty Re: Possible new character stat

    Post by Dibsville Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:42 pm

    DE5PA1R wrote:Weight is computed differently in Dark Souls 2. We see this in the gameplay reveal. The character rolled slower with a heavy weapon when compared to rolling with a light weapon.

    So additional weapons that weigh the character down may not be a concern.

    I've seen a similar idea (attunement for equipment) around the net and I think it's a good idea.
    If this is true, then a major PvP point in the souls games will be ruined.
    First of all, that would mean that END is only good for Stamina, it would practically become useless assuming we have something like Green Blossoms.
    Second, many builds rely on stamina for certain roll types, I don't want to see a Giant Dad fast rolling with 10 END.
    Third, although I like the idea of heavier weapons weighing you down, I would rather it be that heavy weapons simply make your stamina regenerate slower.

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    Post by DE5PA1R Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:11 pm

    Dibsville wrote:If this is true,

    It's true. We've seen it.

    then a major PvP point in the souls games will be ruined.
    First of all, that would mean that END is only good for Stamina, it would practically become useless assuming we have something like Green Blossoms.

    No. End is good for armor + current equipment. Everything still has weight, it's just that the weight for your other inactive hand slots is ignored.

    Second, many builds rely on stamina for certain roll types, I don't want to see a Giant Dad fast rolling with 10 END.

    You're misunderstanding something. Not sure what exactly. Maybe my last post helps.

    Third, although I like the idea of heavier weapons weighing you down, I would rather it be that heavy weapons simply make your stamina regenerate slower.

    Doesn't make sense realistically.
    Exalted Oreo
    Exalted Oreo

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    Post by Exalted Oreo Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:21 pm

    Its pretty realistic, i mean think about it. You are swinging this massive weapon around that uses the entire body to swing. In terms of muscle fatigue over an extended period of time swinging a massive sword is far more taxing than swinging a weapon that may only use the upper-body to swing (while the lower body is used it is mostly for stability.) This would cause the body to need more time off to properly recover thus the slower stamina regeneration

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    Possible new character stat Empty Re: Possible new character stat

    Post by Aevun Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:46 am

    Exalted Oreo wrote:Its pretty realistic, i mean think about it. You are swinging this massive weapon around that uses the entire body to swing. In terms of muscle fatigue over an extended period of time swinging a massive sword is far more taxing than swinging a weapon that may only use the upper-body to swing (while the lower body is used it is mostly for stability.) This would cause the body to need more time off to properly recover thus the slower stamina regeneration

    The difference in regeneration would be very slight. Too slight to even put into the game. Swinging a large weapon would make your stamina deplete faster (in other words, would make you tired faster) than a fast weapon, but your muscles all rest independently so the amount of muscles used in a move would, at most, force you to drink more water.

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    Possible new character stat Empty Re: Possible new character stat

    Post by Halicarnassis Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:58 am

    Exalted Oreo wrote:Its pretty realistic, i mean think about it. You are swinging this massive weapon around that uses the entire body to swing. In terms of muscle fatigue over an extended period of time swinging a massive sword is far more taxing than swinging a weapon that may only use the upper-body to swing (while the lower body is used it is mostly for stability.) This would cause the body to need more time off to properly recover thus the slower stamina regeneration

    If this is going down the realistic route then we would hope that they take into consideration the amount of time you have been using a weapon and adjust endurance/stamina drain accordingly.

    If you train with a weapon, armour, horse or whatever it is you become proficient fristly and then specialised and then expert... In the middle ages knights would begin wearing armoured chain mail from an early age (12yo) so that when they were old enough to enter battle the weight of the mail would not be a burden or a hinderance to them at all, nor the weight of a weapon in hand even when they have been toiling on the field for hours on end. The same goes for full platemail. People go on about how much these things weigh, but we are forgetting that these people had nothing else to do but learn and grow up with this lifestyle...

    So, if we are being realistic, then surely a warrior/knight/whatever would find it easier to use a weapon and carry armour the longer they used it. I would therefore hope a game mechanic keeps track of the amount of time dedicated to this and adjust things accordingly... I believe this game mechanic alerady exists in a few games; Elder Scrolls in particular, but this is more focus on skills...

    Just a thought if we are going down this route.

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