I'd like something similar to what Demon's Souls had.
I'd like to see a S/A/B/C/D/E rating system with some tweaks.
If you (as a phantom) either killed an invader or boss, then the host could only give you a S/A/B rating.
If the host died before you could do either of those, you get a B rating by default.
If you die before killing an invader or boss, then the host could only give you a B/C/D/E rating.
Maybe there are some holes in this, but you guys get the idea.
What kind of "leaderboard" would you like to see?
This is post number 11, I just wanted to put it in the op:
Animaaal wrote:Okay, I never discriminated the rating system in Demon's Souls. However, I havent played DeS in a looong time.
Those points are inarguebale at this point. I concede.How about this:
The Book of Blessings
It would work this way:
1) There is a count for every boss and invader you kill/have a part in killing.
2) There are points or "blessings" awarded for every kill, varying on which boss you kill and their difficulty. This is assuming the end game bosses are actually harder and not like Gwyn's infamous "parry for the kill" reputation.
3) Those points are then tallied into a total blessing count which anyone can look at. Similar to the Book of the Guilty.
4) Furthermore, the individual statistics are further broken down when you look at "your" account.
5) When looking at your account, it would tell you a more in depth statistical analysis. Such as" favorite weapon / number of deaths (maybe even to which bosses) / favorite armor combo /etc.
Something like this maybe?!?!
Last edited by Animaaal on Sat Apr 27, 2013 3:38 pm; edited 2 times in total