- Read if only you like words:
- Imagine this:
You walk down a narrow tunnel until you see an opening and a fork in the road, along with a gaping hole ahead of you. You can go either left or right, both lead down, but if you look down at the hole, you'll see a nightmare incarnate.
Its spiked tail thrashes wildly as it walks, making all sneak attacks impossible. Its long claws will shred through all defenses, only greatshields being able to withstand its wrath. The smoke emitting from its mouth an indicator of ferocious flames in wait, ready to incinerate the tunnels. How can you best it?
You need to move on, you take the tunnel to the left and go for 5 minutes walking, fighting and just trying to figure out where to move, then...it happens:
The ground shakes, you are losing your footing and you hear the snarl of a vicious beast. You continue onward and suddenly, from an opening to the left just a few meters ahead...it appears. Its eyes look to the right, then ahead...until it looks left and sees you. Now that the beast is close, you can make out that its body is made of scales, your weapon is useless!
You sprint the other way and try to recall your previous path, but it appears that this maze is endless and you're lose before you know it! You can hear it chasing you and there is nothing you could do as you're met with a deadend. Alas, poor adventurer this is your end...
But, wait. Of course! Chameleon and turn into a stone! The beast approaches you, but fails to detect you. It waits around a couple moments, sniffing the air, until it finally turns around and leaves. The path is only one-way, whatever will you do, but follow it. You eventually walk slowly until you catch up to it, you realize it is checking the corners like before, and in seizing its movements, the tail rests gently on the ground.
You know what you must do.
With one great slice of your greatsword, you slice its tail off. The best roars in pain, taking in what just happened. In a split second, you grab the tail and obtain a weapon, then you run past it and flee, yet again!
This time, you come upon a bridge and as you look down you'll notice you're a couple of meters higher then when you first came in (how in the?, bah nevermind!). The beast follows you, it seems to have become faster now and it is gaining. The bridge is unstable, you can't escape it. Is all hope lost?
No, you use Fall Control and cut the bridge, sending both of you plummeting to the ground, but you land on a ledge just a bit below you, saving you the pain, while the beast plummets down. You've been separated and you both stare down at each other for a split second before a ferocious ranged battle occurs! Spitting flames at you, and you shooting arrows, the beast is clearly winnign, only dazed by the shots. At this point, you cannot win, its HP bar is still roughly at 80% and its hide is too thick.
You notice another tunnelway alongside the narrow ledge. You make your way across, shooting arrows at it to daze it so you can get across safely. You made it. You can hear the snarl of the monster as it moves, attempting to find a way to you...
This time, you survived. Take precaution never to face it again.
Unfortunately, you suck at that, fall through a hole and land right in front of it. It eats you, complains about your horrible taste and you die. The End.
Just imagine a patrolling boss that can't be beaten in narrow areas, so you need to reach a wide area to fight it (The boss stage), but you can meet it along the level attacking you in narrow areas, but you can play some antics on it to beat it!