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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)


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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by DemonOfFate Mon May 06, 2013 2:24 am

    Okay! I'm reviving the Covenant. Our former leader, and if he comes back he will become leader once again, Rubmed, has been inactive for about 3 months, and as i am sub leader for our covenant i felt it was my duty to revive us. I'll copy most of the things from our previous thread, but i intend to make minor adjustments as i see fit until rub comes back. The reason i had to make an entirely new thread is because i was not the original maker, so i couldn't edit posts and add new members.


    Cursed brothers and sisters,

    You stand before me today because of a curse your family has bared for generations. A curse that can be traced back to the age Gwyn declared war on the evil dragons that once ruled Lordran. We are all descendants of a group of brave knights that took on a dragon that knew curses that would make Nito, First of The Dead, shudder in fear. The dragon’s death throes cursed that group of knights with an insatiable bloodlust. This may come as a surprise to some of you, but there lie holes in your memory that you killed and killed those you loved or those around you. You might see dragons, demons, or the worst of all; you just merely want to feel warm red blood run down your skin. Whatever the visions you wonder how such a curse has gone unnoticed.

    The answer is quite simple; the beings in power greatly reduced the power of the curse. However today those beings have lost the power to keep the curse in check, and thus we are more prone to these blood lusts. I discovered this when I visited the Regal Archives to try and find a cure for this curse. However, there was no signs of a cure in the volumes upon volumes of books I read. I did however find evidence that supported the fact that the curse was kept in check by the beings of power. Ever since the Age of Fire began to decline the power of the curse grew, which increased the fact that villages were never heard from, and when someone stumbled across them, it was the sight of a massacre. However, I believe if these beings were restored to power, or replaced then the curse would weaken, perhaps even fade. I went forth in my world and destroyed each one of these powerful beings and harnessed their power. Finally when I consumed every powerful being’s power, I thought myself cured. The following night proved me horribly wrong. There was a possible explanation for the curse’s persistence. Over my travels I summoned these phantoms from another world, and they too were as powerful as the beings in my world. This clearly shows that the power we gather in our worlds is nowhere near the power we need to acquire. Now we must hunt the people we once called our allies in order to be free of this curse.

    I understand some of you maybe hesitant to murder what seem to be innocent people who have done you no harm. Did you mean harm when you stayed in the presence of friends only to find them slaughtered in their beds the next morning, and their blood on your hands? I doubt you meant that occur, but our old allies’ sacrifices are necessary. It is the only way to stop or prevent this blood lust from over taking us and wiping out our family, friends, villages, and cities.

    Now go forth! Save yourself! Save those you love! Save your future family! Show that dragon that we will not be so easily be controlled by this curse!


    Covenant wise: Members must be a part of the gravelord covenant.

    Weapon wise: No Boss weapons! Any weapon acquired from the soul of a powerful being cannot be used! So you can’t use: DSS, Great Lord Greatsword, Moonlight spear, Darkmoon Catalayst, Smough’s hammer, etc.

    Kill all dragon creatures in your 1st game (Ash, seath, etc.) You may use spoils from them as weapons along with dragon weapons though. The reason I say 1st game is so that when you start NG+ you can join in all user-covenant invasions/wars.


    Grave Striders
    Magic:Faith/ Undead Rapport
    Armor: light/medium armor
    Equipment: short bow, crossbows (not avelyn) curved swords, daggers, katanas (except chaos), and small shields.
    You are the explorers or scouts that investigate areas where there may be prime targets. You can report back to the main force, comrades, or unleash an ambush on the unwary prey! There is no such thing as dirty fighting for you, and victory is yours when your foe lies dead an arrow or blade in his back. Be unforgiving, be cruel, and kill.

    Tomb Archer
    Magic: Faith/ undead rapport
    Armor: Light/medium (No limit on poise)
    Equipment: all bows, all rapier type weapons and daggers.
    You are the best of our archers. No one can match your eyes. You wait from the back lines or at a distance and unleash a hail of arrows upon those who oppose you. The screams of your arrows shall be the last thing your foes hear. You claim victory when your quiver is empty and your foes corpses litter the field of battle. Let none escape your sight.

    Knight of Necrosis
    Magic: Faith/ Undead rapport
    Armor: Any (No poise limit)
    Equipment: Greatswords, Ultra Greatswords, Great Hammers, Curved Greatswords, Crossbows, bows, and greatshields.
    You are the mighty warriors that stand on the frontlines. You are the bravest, strongest, and toughest. Your iron will remains unbroken after dozens of battles. You crush your foes with inhuman strength and the weight of your weapons. None can stay your lust for blood lest they be slain at your feet. You carve a bloody path through those that oppose you.

    Inquistors of Death
    Magic: Sorceries/ Undead Rapport
    Armor: Robes/medium armor (Must be mixed)
    Equipment: Rapiers, daggers, catalysts, Spears, small shields
    Here you are enforcers of our will. You strike without mercy and with righteous fury that make those who witness your actions tremble in fear. You are our loyal soliders, who will do as commaded. You will spill the blood of those that oppose you and your victory is not simply a physical one. No! That would be too simple you must break your foe both mentally and physically!

    Death's Purification
    Magic: Faith and Pyro
    Armor: Light/Medium
    Equipment: talisman/pyro flame, Hammers, Daggers, Rapiers, straight swords, halberds, small shields, medium sheilds
    It is no question who has walked the battlefield when we smell burnt flesh. You seek out destruction of our foes through the most painful way possible. You wish them to burn for defying you and our order. You want them to understand the depth of their mistake before you end them! Let it be known that none may stand against us!

    Death's Gladiators
    Magic: Pyromancy/Faith.
    Armor: Light/Medium
    Equipment: Straight Swords, Daggers, Curved Swords, Halberds, and Spears. (Str or dex has to =25)
    Your skill with a blade with two blades or a blade and polearm are unmatchable. You are always within striking distance, and for our enemies the cold grasp of death is not far away. You are a malestrom of death that knows no fear as you carve your chaotic path through enemy lines.

    Death's Fury
    Magic: Any
    Armor: Any
    Weapons: Any Blacksmith Hammer, fist weapons.
    You attack in the frontlines and are constantly mocked by your enemies for using primitive and underdeveloped weapons, but those fools shall soon feel the speed of your punches and the weight of your hammers on their skull. Punish their mockery with pain and suffering.


    Fight how you wish, so long as your enemies fall, it matters not. If you prefer to duel, then duel! Do what you wish.

    Regarding summoning a cursed brother to your world, there are limitations. Classes allowed to summon each other:
    Knight of Necrosis/Tomb Archer
    Grave Striders/Death's Gladiators
    Death's Purification/Inquistors of Death
    Death's Fury/Any

    Be warned, when you lure those poor pathetic weaklings to your world, they will strike you without mercy, so you shall do the same! They will use everything to their advantage, you'd be wise to also.

    Our goal is to take those weaklings power, what little they have anyways. How you go about this is up to you. If you wish to set up clever traps then feel free to, if you prefer striking your foes down with cold, hard steel then you are free to do that aswell.

    Note: Gravelords, you do not have to kill Nito until you are maxed level. If you wish to do so before you are max level that is fine, but remember you will be unable to level that covenant until your next playthrough.

    Recommended SL:
    Gravelord: 100
    Or whatever the user prefers!


    Awakened- Entry

    Power Seeker- Level 2

    Tenacious Hero- Level 3

    Legendary (Insert name and clever title here!)

    Cursed Grandmaster- Me/ Per system partners!

    Ranking up:

    Ranking up will be determined by events, you are to post your kills and when you reach the required number to level up, then you shall.

    Darkmoon: 2 pt
    SOV (EOD drops): 2 pt

    Points required to rank up:
    Rank1 - 40
    Rank2 - 80
    Rank3 - 120
    (Notice upon reaching each rank you will keep 20% of your points that go into your next rank)

    I'm open to all suggestions. Want a change to one of the classes? Message me and i'll see if your request is reasonable.

    Last edited by DemonOfFate on Wed May 22, 2013 6:37 pm; edited 6 times in total

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by DemonOfFate Mon May 06, 2013 2:24 am

    Current members:

    ResIsBestStat-?- Awakened


    DemonOfFate-DemonOfFate- PS3's Cursed Grandmaster of Fate
    OmegaX105- ?- Awakened.

    Inactive Members:

    Last edited by DemonOfFate on Thu May 23, 2013 2:56 am; edited 9 times in total
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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by User1 Mon May 06, 2013 9:34 am

    Demon, I would like to be the Xbox leader.
    What responsibilities come with that?

    Also, if possible, I fit the criteria for a Herald of the Abyss perfectly on my sl100 Darkwraith, could that be my Cursed Blood character?

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by DemonOfFate Mon May 06, 2013 2:46 pm

    Being the Xbox platform leader would mainly just involve helping me cordinate events, essentially you will be a second leader, we'd be working together to improve the covenant and plan things.

    Yes, if you are within the limitations that was set for herald of the abyss then by all means, you can use it. I take it you wish to join?
    Abyss Dweller
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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by User1 Mon May 06, 2013 2:46 pm

    Yes, I would wish to join.

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by ResIsBestStat Mon May 06, 2013 3:32 pm

    No pc?

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by DemonOfFate Mon May 06, 2013 3:37 pm

    Ah, that's right, i always forget about PC since it came into the picture late in the game. I'll add that now .
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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by User1 Mon May 06, 2013 3:41 pm

    Was this made before the PC version?

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by DemonOfFate Mon May 06, 2013 3:42 pm

    It was actually.
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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by User1 Mon May 06, 2013 3:44 pm

    I will need to be sure when I need to step in as Xbox leader though.
    Just saiyan'.

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by DemonOfFate Mon May 06, 2013 3:47 pm

    Don't worry, i'll be taking care of planning most events and the like. Overall i'm just really just going to be wanting a second opinion on things.
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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by User1 Mon May 06, 2013 3:48 pm

    Sounds like a fair deal to me.

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by ResIsBestStat Mon May 06, 2013 3:50 pm

    I can't play on somedays, but I'm still able to chat with new recruits EVERY DAY!

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by DemonOfFate Tue May 07, 2013 10:28 pm

    Once we reach 7 members i intend to begin planning an event, so think about where you want to have it.
    Abyss Dweller
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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by User1 Wed May 08, 2013 2:45 pm

    It's dependant on the event, and what we will do in it.

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by ResIsBestStat Wed May 08, 2013 5:18 pm

    My GFWL btw:
    Also I modified your build a bit

    You don't have to use it of course, just my version of it

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by DemonOfFate Wed May 15, 2013 3:13 pm

    Bump, come on brethren! I know you clicked on this thread! JOIN US!
    Abyss Dweller
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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by User1 Wed May 15, 2013 3:16 pm

    We need some sort of event to make this active..

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by DemonOfFate Wed May 15, 2013 3:18 pm

    It could help, but i was hoping for one or two members before we started planning the event.
    Abyss Dweller
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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by User1 Wed May 15, 2013 3:20 pm

    It may be the case of the "typical concept". People tend not to join covenants where the goal is not unique.

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by DemonOfFate Wed May 15, 2013 3:21 pm

    Valid point, but i wonder what ways we could spice it up. Any ideas?
    Abyss Dweller
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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by User1 Wed May 15, 2013 3:26 pm

    Try what The Insane and The Cult of Friendship did. Take a completely different approach to PvP. This could come across as a covenant where it's an excuse to gank, because it's allowed with a partner. Instead, try to make equipment used totally unique, or have a certain approach to actual PvP itself. e.g. No fighting, only gifting.

    Just an idea.

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by ResIsBestStat Wed May 15, 2013 3:36 pm

    How about our objective being sucking out humanity from people to cure us?

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by DemonOfFate Wed May 15, 2013 3:37 pm

    Hmmm, well as of right now our covenant goal is to just go into the enemy world and pretty much kill whoever is there, or kill whoever invades your world. Equipment used to be pretty tight, many classes were poiseless and had very few weapon choices, but i kept hearing complaints regarding this aspect.

    I want to keep most creativity open to our members, but not too much where it seems like we are just randoms. Perhaps i could only allow certain classes to team up with eachother, opposed to any class. I figured our normal invasion areas would be the Catacombs, ToTG, New Londo, Dark Anor Londo, The Forest, and i was debating the Painted World.

    How could we spice it up... Perhaps i could shuffle around stats and make every class adept at Occult/Chaos weapons? Maybe only allow the Demon Cataylst for sorcerers? Give them another means of attack and a half decent one at that.

    But regarding spicing up Gravelording, i'm not quite sure. ToTG would be a fun place because we could always gravelord a friend, then do a undead rapport. And for DW's, i'm not sure.

    Ren... That's not a bad idea actually. It fits fairly well, you aren't allowed to kill your phantom until you have all their humanity, it could work. Opinion Renegade?
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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

    Post by User1 Wed May 15, 2013 3:40 pm

    Occult weaponry is something we don't see enough of, in my opinion. It would be good to make all classes good with those weapons, but it would also remove a lot of people's key classes which they are best with, such as my Herald of the Abyss, which is who I do best with. That may cause complaints..

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    Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!) Empty Re: Those Of Cursed Blood (Revived and Looking for members!)

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