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    Trade for White titanite Slabs? (Ps3, SL100)


    Posts : 79
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    Join date : 2012-11-19
    Age : 27

    Trade for White titanite Slabs? (Ps3, SL100)  Empty Trade for White titanite Slabs? (Ps3, SL100)

    Post by Gyonimizotetsu Tue May 07, 2013 9:27 am

    I'm in need of white titanite slabs, obviously, for my paladin build. I can trade any buyable item for a white slab, I got da souls for it. I could give you these for a white slab-

    -150 Moonlight Arrows

    -100 Lightning Bolts

    -2 titanite chunks (very limited because I don't like farming for them)

    -20 Large titanite shards

    -20 green titanite

    -8 humanity

    -300 Fire/Poison Arrows

    -1 divine blessing (I only have one. I don't see how people get more than 2 or 3 of these each play through, does patches sell more than 1?)

    -7 White Chunks

    -30 homeward bones


    -Soul of Ornstein

    -Red Slab

    -10 Twinkle Sprinkle

    I could trade a weapon I might not need. You can ask i you need something, though I don't think there's anything you can't get at SL100.

    Please contact me on Playstation Network, my user name is "Gyonimizotetsu" same as my user name for this forum. Thanks! I'll try to get back to you after 4PM

    Posts : 1798
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    Join date : 2012-07-10

    Trade for White titanite Slabs? (Ps3, SL100)  Empty Re: Trade for White titanite Slabs? (Ps3, SL100)

    Post by WandererReece Tue May 07, 2013 10:55 am

    Gyonimizotetsu wrote:1 divine blessing (I only have one. I don't see how people get more than 2 or 3 of these each play through, does patches sell more than 1?)

    You can get up to 8 per playthrough or 9 if you're online.

    Posts : 79
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    Join date : 2012-11-19
    Age : 27

    Trade for White titanite Slabs? (Ps3, SL100)  Empty Re: Trade for White titanite Slabs? (Ps3, SL100)

    Post by Gyonimizotetsu Tue May 07, 2013 1:15 pm

    Oh, how? Forest Hunter gift? or Patches?

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    Trade for White titanite Slabs? (Ps3, SL100)  Empty Re: Trade for White titanite Slabs? (Ps3, SL100)

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