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Zeta Prime
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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)


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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Empty Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)

    Post by Slarg232 Tue May 07, 2013 10:02 pm

    Sorry, but this HAS to be in the game:Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) 401303_10151365048701640_1674230634_n

    "When I think of the nature of Dark Souls I imagine an intertwined secret sub-community and death... death complemented by player anger. In Dark Souls when you die repeatedly you're filled with anger. I imagined a creature that would manifest solely off the anger of player-death to become increasingly stronger the more souls it collected. The nature of the creature would feed on the secret sub-community's unfortunate deaths, to create more misfortune and death. Woooooo... morbid.

    As far as the literal sense of making it goes, it's just hand drawn with pencil on paper."

    Not my idea, I saw it on facebook. You guys can't say this boss idea wouldn't be awesome; the more times you die, the more souls you lose, the more souls you lose, the stronger the boss gets.
    Zeta Prime
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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Empty Re: Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)

    Post by Zeta Prime Tue May 07, 2013 11:07 pm

    is that... ceaseless discharge?

    Last edited by Poliwrath on Tue May 07, 2013 11:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Empty Re: Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)

    Post by Slarg232 Tue May 07, 2013 11:34 pm

    It's Castlevania's Legion in Dark Souls form:Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Big-boss-of-the-day-castlevanias-legion-20091019010907898-000

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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Empty Re: Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)

    Post by Juutas Wed May 08, 2013 12:27 am

    Slarg232 wrote:It's Castlevania's Legion in Dark Souls form:Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Big-boss-of-the-day-castlevanias-legion-20091019010907898-000

    Legion was my first thought too when I saw the picture :'D

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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Empty Re: Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)

    Post by Hue Wed May 08, 2013 4:04 am

    What if some people don't get angry at the game?
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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Empty Re: Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Wed May 08, 2013 4:24 am

    a smaller version of this showed up in demons souls, a ball of prisoners tah shot soul arrows at you and had tons of arms to attack you with if you got close...
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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Empty Re: Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)

    Post by Dibsville Wed May 08, 2013 6:48 am

    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Tumblr_mjcjmh4yoX1rmur82o1_500
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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Empty Re: Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)

    Post by Serious_Much Wed May 08, 2013 9:07 am

    ^You got a gif for everything don't you...

    Anyways, this could be an interesting idea- they could use your idea but also base it subtly on the phalanx boss fight, where you have to attack a core to do any damage to it
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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Empty Re: Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)

    Post by GrinTwist Wed May 08, 2013 10:40 am

    I'd like to see a small opening cutscene if this were a boss.

    You enter a room seeing all these bodies and suddenly they start getting pulled together by what seems to be gravity into this massive boss.

    I'd like to see them try this.

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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Empty Re: Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)

    Post by R3dlace Sat May 11, 2013 8:59 pm

    As an optional boss, would work. Maybe even feeding from other player's death until someone killed it, then it would go back to his starting "Strength"

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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Empty Re: Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)

    Post by chaos4ever181 Sat May 11, 2013 11:00 pm

    This boss almost sounds like something Nito would do if he had all of his powers and had spare time in current New Londo...This boss would feel like one of those impossible Kingdom Hearts optional bosses that have nothing to the story or some stage in a final boss(stages in a fight could make these fights in DSII harder due to not knowing how long it would take to finish the boss).

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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Empty Re: Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)

    Post by DemonRider909 Sun May 12, 2013 3:13 pm

    This would be awesome. They should definitely put this into the game. I'm sure From can pull it off. And the idea of the boss feeding off of other players' wouldn't work, due to the Souls games being playable on and offline. It wouldn't be a fair balance. I think the boss should feed off of EVERY DEATH OF THE PLAYER twisted, increasing in strength based on the amount of souls\humanity\whatever lost. In a smaller proportion when you're far from him and larger when you're closer.

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    Wicked new boss idea (Not mine) Empty Re: Wicked new boss idea (Not mine)

    Post by chaos4ever181 Sun May 12, 2013 5:51 pm

    DemonRider909 wrote:This would be awesome. They should definitely put this into the game. I'm sure From can pull it off. And the idea of the boss feeding off of other players' wouldn't work, due to the Souls games being playable on and offline. It wouldn't be a fair balance. I think the boss should feed off of EVERY DEATH OF THE PLAYER twisted, increasing in strength based on the amount of souls\humanity\whatever lost. In a smaller proportion when you're far from him and larger when you're closer.

    That's a good idea. When you die without humanity/souls and don't pick them up before dying again won't make the boss harder. Dropping like 10 humanity/souls/something related would increase the bosses' health and/or how much damage it deals. That way it would discourage players who would try to abuse some sort of humanity/souls glitch that's bound to show up on launch day lol!

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