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    Dark Souls 2 and Velka


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    Join date : 2012-07-24

    Dark Souls 2 and Velka Empty Dark Souls 2 and Velka

    Post by Cynic Sat May 11, 2013 4:47 am

    I was watching VaatiVidya's videos about the lore and character backgrounds and all that jazz a bit ago.

    Well, during the one about Velka and the Crow, I noticed something. I'm not sure if this has been talked about already so I apologize ahead of time.

    Anyway, EpicNameBro seemed pretty giddy about Velka and her involvement in Dark Souls 2. The black haired sorceress or whatever in the trailer who hands Mr. Knightman the black feather is obvious.

    The thing that really got me was the white masked enemies. During Vidya's vidya (hurhur) he does a close up on the statue that phalanx is surrounding. I'm assuming that's meant to be Velka as of now, so let me know if I'm wrong. Her face looks a lot like those masks in the trailer.

    Pure white, what looks like a tear drop coming from the right eye and no distinguishable mouth. Plus the whole thing with the Castle in the gameplay trailer being the same one in the Painted World gives me a strong feeling of Velka playing a big part in the story of Dark Souls 2.

    The mask thing is my main focus on this post, but I had to put all my brain thinks down. So let me know if there's somewhere else I can get more insight on this or if I'm the first to notice this stuff, which is unlikely.

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    Join date : 2012-09-22
    Age : 27

    Dark Souls 2 and Velka Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 and Velka

    Post by Aevun Sat May 11, 2013 6:10 pm

    1: The woman in the trailer was not black haired. The hair was brown.
    2: The feather was also brown. Not black.
    3: The castle in the gameplay is not the painted world. The architecture is different and the cliffs around it are missing. They're not the same area.

    The other points seem valid enough.

    Posts : 51
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    Join date : 2012-07-24

    Dark Souls 2 and Velka Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 and Velka

    Post by Cynic Sat May 11, 2013 7:55 pm

    Yeah, I looked at it more after and they aren't black. But the mask thing is still floating around.

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